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Week in Review

14 DEC 3304

Here are this week’s major stories.

A new networked system named the Codex has been released to the galactic community.

The Codex is a joint initiative from the Pilots Federation and Universal Cartographics, which announced that the system had been automatically uploaded to all vessels registered with the Pilots Federation.

Two new ships marketed towards independent pilots have been released. The Mamba, from Zorgon Petersen, is reputedly one of the fastest ships in production, while the Krait Phantom, manufactured by Faulcon DeLacy, has been envisaged as a multi-role vessel.

Hadrian Augustus Duval, the long-lost grandson of Emperor Hengist Duval, has broadcast a message to the Empire in which he emphasised his humble background and stressed that he had lived an ordinary life. He concluded with the words: “I’ve seen how diminished the Empire has become, and I know that new leadership is sorely needed.”

Meanwhile, the Interstellar Health Organisation has delivered a preliminary report on the nanomedicines recently developed by Vitadyne Labs. The report states that Vitadyne’s nanomeds are more sophisticated and reliable than any existing product, and that Vitadyne’s data regarding healing, disease treatment and extension of longevity has been verified.

In other news, conflict has erupted between two factions in the Wally Bei system. Hostilities were triggered after the Wally Bei Technical claimed to have discovered stolen food shipments aboard their rival’s transport vessels. This was denied in an official response by Traditional Wally Bei Constitution Party. Military leaders from both factions have issued calls to independent combat pilots, offering rewards for their support.

Finally, an initiative to deliver rare commodities to an esoteric cult in the Zlota system has concluded. Barnabas Cole, leader of the Children of Tothos, submitted a handwritten message to the media that read: “By helping us, you free yourselves. You will feel the light of our testament fill you, just as it fills the heavens.”

And those are the main stories this week.