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Galactic News: Imperial Prima Donnas Flash their Claws

30 SEP 3302

Princess Aisling Duval has clashed with former Imperial senator Lady Kahina Loren in an impromptu debate organised by The Imperial Citizen. Unbeknownst to either Princess Duval or Lady Kahina, parts of the altercation were broadcast live.

Princess Duval was heard to say: "You really thought you could swan in here from your provincial little system and get away with murder? You even had designs on being Emperor. Have you any idea how ridiculous you look?"

"I'm not the one wearing a stupid wig," Loren retorted.

"You're finished," said Princess Duval. "Everyone knows you're guilty. You'll be stripped of your rank and title, and no fancy speech can save you!"

"At least I don't need someone to write my speeches for me," Loren replied. "Anyone with half a brain can see this is a set up. Ask yourself this – who has the most to gain from this ridiculous charade?"

"Nice try. You'll pay for what you've done – Patreus will see to that. I know you hate him!"

"Oh, I despise the man," said Loren, "but if I wanted him dead, he'd be dead."

Lady Kahina Loren's trial will take place in two weeks' time.

Galactic News: The Martian Relic

30 SEP 3302

The discovery of mysterious wreckage in the Pleiades Nebula has rekindled interest in the so-called Martian Relic, an object discovered beneath the surface of Mars over one thousand years ago.

Very little is known about the Relic except that it was discovered in 2280 and is relatively small, measuring no more than a few centimetres square. Indeed, there is so little concrete information in the public sphere that some have questioned the Relic's very existence. But leaked Federal records confirm that the object, which was sequestered by the Federal government shortly after its discovery, is very real.

The discovery of the Unknown Artefacts, Unknown Probes and the mysterious wreckage in the Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 system has prompted many to wonder anew at the Relic's origin. Naturally, some have speculated that it could be a Thargoid artefact, but with access to the Relic restricted, this theory can be neither proved nor disproved.

Only one thing is for sure – until the Federal government decides to release information into the public domain, we have little option but to speculate.

Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report

30 SEP 3302

This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy's minor factions.

Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war:

Maratians Silver Bridge Corp.

Ross 23 Defence Force

Kwatiles Purple Electronics Ind

League of Kwatiles

Santy Purple Legal Incorporated

Chongquan Crimson Federal Dev

Chongquan Coalition

Luyten 145-141 and Co

LHS 1573 Purple Partnership

Wolf 587 Gold Natural Systems

Civil wars occur when minor factions compete for control of major assets such as starports. When a faction is involved in a civil war, the standard of living, development level and security level in the system it controls are temporarily reduced. Combat activities can bring a civil war to an end.

Here are the latest factions to experience war:

Kadu mist Labour

EP Eridani United Corp.

HIP 85575 Partnership

Wattunukam Monarchy

Langjela Blue Galactic Exchange

Future of LHS 3877

BD-20 2665 State Organisation

Vucasto Patrons of Law

Revolutionary 5 G. Apodis Values Party

LTT 8701 Purple Council

Wars occur when a minor faction invades a star system controlled by another minor faction. For the duration of the war, the standard of living, wealth level and security level in the disputed system are reduced. Combat activity between the two warring factions determines the outcome of the conflict. If neither faction succeeds in dominating the other, the war ends in a ceasefire.