11 AUG 3302
Federal President Zachary Hudson has announced that the Federal appeal for construction materials received the enthusiastic support of the galactic community. Hundreds of independent pilots supported the campaign by delivering autofabricators, tantalum and superconductors to Brady Horizons in the Gooheimar system, which will allow the Federation to start work on the first of three new Farragut-class Battlecruisers.
In a brief statement, President Hudson thanked those who had contributed to the initiative.
"I want to thank you for your support. The passionate response to this appeal gives me hope that the Federation faces a bright future – one in which we can meet any threat that confronts us."
11 AUG 3302
The Union Party of Ambika has announced that its two-pronged relief campaign has received the full support of the galactic community. Huge deliveries of food were received at Goulart City, and the agitators attempting to disrupt the relief operation have been neutralised.
A spokesperson for the organisation released a brief statement:
"We are deeply grateful to all those who supported this campaign. Without your intervention, I fear that Ambika could have been plunged into a humanitarian crisis. The food supplies delivered to Goulart City will now be distributed throughout the system."
11 AUG 3302
Recent reports from the Empire-controlled Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-16 system indicate that the Pleiades Resource Enterprise, a Federal organisation, is preparing to launch an assault with the aim of taking the region from the Empire.
A spokesperson for the Imperial Inquisition, which is coordinating the Imperial resistance, said:
"I would not surrender so much as an inch of territory to the Federation – I am certainly not about to surrender Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-16. I hope the Pleiades Resource Enterprise is prepared for a fight."
The Imperial Inquisition has asked all Empire-aligned pilots to travel to Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-16 and help repel the Federal offensive. Similarly, the Pleiades Resource Enterprise has issued a call to arms to all Federation-aligned fighters.
The Pleiades Resource Enterprise has set out a week-long operation to take control of the system, which will begin on the 11th of August 3302.
11 AUG 3302
On the 30th of June 3301, Newton Dock in the BD-02 4304 system was quarantined due to the outbreak of a mysterious plague. This pathogen – named the Cerberus Plague – eventually spread to over 20 systems and claimed 100,000 lives.
Thanks to the support of the galaxy's independent pilots, a cure derived from Ceremonial Heike Tea was discovered and used to treat victims at Hart Station in the Bast System. The cure was then synthesised, mass produced and shipped to other affected systems. On the 10th of August 3301, the last affected systems were declared free of the Cerberus Plague.
In tribute to these pilots' heroic efforts, the Buckyball Racing Club is hosting a special event at Hart Station. The race will involve a scramble around nearby medicine-production facilities and a speed run to Brunel City in Heike.
Commander Raiko