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System Colonisation Equipment Reaches Public Market

26 FEB 3311

Brewer Corporation’s much-anticipated system colonisation module and claim management process is now available.

While colonisation technology has existed for over a millennium, a formal claim and colony establishment process for individuals, communities and minor factions has not previously been available. Analysts consider this a moment of historical significance, as viable colony targets will not be dictated by large corporations or superpower governments.

CEO Madelyn Teague shared her enthusiasm at a gala event in Minerva, covered by Vox Galactica:

“The sheer potential of this process is staggering. I’m delighted that the move towards widespread, community-led expansion was so eagerly endorsed by all three superpowers. System colonisation contacts will be available on starports to facilitate the initial work on a claimed system.”

“This is an exciting time, and I can't wait to see how the next few months unfold. Particularly when the latest additions to Brewer Corporation’s Trailblazer fleet are finished next week. That initiative is still ongoing at Starlace Station, by the way!”

Those looking to begin a new colony are advised to purchase and prepare a suitable transport vessel, as considerable resources are needed to establish a new port in a claimed system.

Powerplay Standings: February 3311

25 FEB 3311

This month’s analysis of the influence held by key figures in the core systems has arrived, courtesy of Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica.

His latest survey of system populations suggests the following five powers enjoy the largest sphere of influence:

Rank 1: Edmund Mahon – 1,431 systems

Rank 2: Aisling Duval – 1,410 systems

Rank 3: Arissa Lavigny-Duval – 1,328 systems

Rank 4: Yuri Grom – 1,020 systems

Rank 5: Li Yong-Rui – 801 systems

The largest increase in system influence belonged to Li Yong-Rui, who can claim an additional 77 systems as supporters.

Vox Galactica will provide another update on the state of the powers next month.

Independent Colonisation Support Campaign Goes Live

20 FEB 3311

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Brewer Corporation has issued a request for deliveries to Starlace Station in the Minerva system.

Brewer COO Mark Rennik is overseeing the second open request by the corporation in a month, following calls for system survey data earlier this month. Rennik’s press release, published through most major news feeds, offered an update on Brewer’s broader colonisation plans.

An excerpt highlighted by Vox Galactica:

“A key feature of independent colonisation plans is the beacon and suite module used to establish a successful claim. Our secure manufacturing facilities across several systems have been producing considerable stocks of these devices ready to supply outfitters.”

“This morning, we held talks with representatives of minor factions on the fringes of populated space. It was suggested – and we agreed - that the initial colonisation efforts carried out with Brewer technology could benefit from mobile market support.”

“I have therefore commissioned new additions to the Trailblazer megaship fleet, which will aid in supplying early colony claims. To ensure these megaships are ready for service and sufficiently stocked on time, we call for independent traders to bring specific commodities to Minerva so we can meet our planned two-week deadline.”

A number of commodities have been requested by Brewer Logistics, the logistical arm of Brewer Corporation, which are detailed within the initiative. Following a recent security incident, a secondary initiative to protect traders in the Minerva system is also underway, with contributions measured in bounty vouchers.

Survey Initiative Successful, Says Brewer Corporation

19 FEB 3311

A recent survey initiative organised by Brewer Corporation has been hailed as a success by CEO Madelyn Teague.

High quantities of exploration data were handed in at the Trailblazer Echo megaship in the HIP 90578 system. The data will now be analysed by Universal Cartographics to assess the prime locations in each system for permanent human structures.

Teague made the following announcement:

“We are pleased that so many explorers have contributed to this initiative. The latest wave of survey data will be processed through a recently updated software algorithm for the next phase of preparation, in pursuit of a widespread expansion campaign. That campaign will be led by factions and communities across the core systems.”

Interest in the survey campaign has been met with enthusiasm by many displaced communities resulting by the Thargoid War, who see talk of a ‘new frontier’ as a chance at a fresh start.

However, the initiative was briefly disrupted by lockdown within the system, initiated by a number of rogue Commanders. This has been perceived by many groups as an attempt to sabotage humanity's first expansion efforts in many years, although their motives remain unclear.

Participants to the campaign can now collect their rewards from the Trailblazer Echo in HIP 90578.

Brewer Corporation to Fund Survey Initiative

30 JAN 3311

A new planetary survey initiative has been announced by Brewer Corporation, calling for pilots to scan locations around the core systems.

Following the recent deployment of the megaship Trailblazer Echo, CEO Madelyn Teague made the following announcement from the megaship’s bridge:

“Recent events have accelerated plans to explore a new age of system colonisation efforts. Brewer Corporation has proudly supported ambitious projects such as the Colonia Bridge, and worked with other corporations to improve and increase starports across the galaxy. Now we take another step forward in the continued march across the stars.”

“Universal Cartographics has partnered with us to collect, analyse and process the very latest exploration data, to help calibrate our metrics for optimal colonisation targets.”

Brewer Corporation, which constructs Coriolis and Orbis starports, has supported localised expansion efforts in the past. But, until today, it had given shareholders no sign that it would endorse widespread colonisation plans.

Some media analysts have claimed that Brewer Corporation has been in significant talks with superpower lobbyists in recent weeks, which could explain the change of heart. The level of influence the superpowers had on this announcement is unconfirmed.

Explorers who wish to contribute to the initiative can hand in exploration data to the Trailblazer Echo in the HIP 90578 system. Contributions will be valued by thoroughness, with full FSS scans and planetary probing completions rewarded higher.

Titan Wreckage In Sol Draws Keen Interest

29 JAN 3311

The wreckage of Titan Cocijo far above Earth has attracted thousands of ships over the past several weeks.

As extensively reported in December, a huge effort from the Federal Navy, the Pilots’ Federation and other independent pilots brought down the last remaining Thargoid Titan after it assaulted the Sol system. Titan Cocijo’s destruction was confirmed on December 18th 3310.

An excerpt from an article by Jason Nygaard of the Federal Times offered the following:

“Thousands of ships have descended on the carcass of Titan Cocijo now that the caustic cloud left in the mothership’s wake has dissipated to less hazardous levels. Some seek to claim a trophy of this military victory, while others seek to gain knowledge of Thargoid technology. Others still have been seen posing for selfies, using external camera modules to take the perfect snapshot for ICE channels.”

“Federal authorities had sought to limit the number of visitors to the site, citing military security and safety concerns. But with other Titan wreckages similarly popular, adventurous pilots have mostly ignored these protocols and there seems to be little appetite to enforce them.”

A memorial beacon to remember those lost during the Second Thargoid War and the Battle of Sol has been deployed in the system.

Titan Wreckage In Sol Draws Keen Interest

29 JAN 3311

The wreckage of Titan Cocijo far above Earth has attracted thousands of ships over the past several weeks.

As extensively reported in December, a huge effort from the Federal Navy, the Pilots’ Federation and other independent pilots brought down the last remaining Thargoid Titan after it assaulted the Sol system. Titan Cocijo’s destruction was confirmed on December 18th 3310.

An excerpt from an article by Jason Nygaard of the Federal Times offered the following:

“Thousands of ships have descended on the carcass of Titan Cocijo now that the caustic cloud left in the mothership’s wake has dissipated to less hazardous levels. Some seek to claim a trophy of this military victory, while others seek to gain knowledge of Thargoid technology. Others still have been seen posing for selfies, using external camera modules to take the perfect snapshot for ICE channels.”

“Federal authorities had sought to limit the number of visitors to the site, citing military security and safety concerns. But with other Titan wreckages similarly popular, adventurous pilots have mostly ignored these protocols and there seems to be little appetite to enforce them.”

A memorial beacon to remember those lost during the Second Thargoid War and the Battle of Sol has been deployed in the system.

Powerplay Standings: January 3311

22 JAN 3311

This month’s analysis of the influence held by key figures in the core systems has arrived, courtesy of Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica.

His latest survey of system populations suggests the following five powers enjoy the largest sphere of influence:

Rank 1: Edmund Mahon – 1,403 systems

Rank 2: Aisling Duval – 1,383 systems

Rank 3: Arissa Lavigny-Duval - 1,269 systems

Rank 4: Yuri Grom - 995 systems

Rank 5: Li Yong-Rui - 724 systems

Vox Galactica will provide another update on the state of the powers next month.

HIP 22460 Declared Free of Thargoids

16 JAN 3311

Aegis has confirmed that HIP 22460 shows zero sign of Thargoid activity following a blockade organised by AXI and XSF forces.

It is theorised that the Thargoids have maintained a varying presence in the HIP 22460 system since at least 3303, due to reports recovered from the now-abandoned Fort Asch laboratory. After the Proteus Wave weapon in the system in 3308, Thargoids aggressively swarmed the system until recently.

But AX forces sought to change this over the past few weeks, and the signal from Aegis’ military advisor Aden Tanner indicates that the system is now fully under human control. Tanner himself provided a message of thanks:

“The impeccable efforts of AXI, XSF and allied AX pilots have finally brought peace to one more system. I only wish I was young enough to join these heroes out on the front lines. These pilots have provided a great service to humanity, and all here at Aegis salute them.”

Anti-Xeno Blockade Contains HIP 22460

10 JAN 3311

A squadron of AX pilots have planned to sustain pressure on the lingering Thargoid presence in the HIP 22460 system.

Led by the respected AXI and XSF combat fleets, the blockade seeks to push Thargoid craft from the area from January 12th.

HIP 22460 was the staging ground for Salvation’s Proteus Wave weapon, which sought to end the Second Thargoid War in August 3308 but resulted in disaster. Prior to this it is believed to have hosted several clandestine research operations hosted by Azimuth Biochemicals and protected by the notorious Black Flight.

More updates will be provided as the story develops.

Empire Accused of Power Grab in Federation’s Heart

09 JAN 3311

Imperial agents have been charged with attempting to seize political influence deep in Federal territory following the Battle of Sol.

With the aftermath of the Thargoid Invasion still causing upheaval across populated space, there has been a marked effort by many factions to establish themselves in systems impacted by Titan Cocijo’s assault in December.

Sofia Trevino wrote a summary for the Federal Times:

“In recent weeks there has been turmoil in Sol, as political, corporate and military interests come to terms with the impact of Titan Cocijo’s arrival – not to mention the civilian cost, with billions of refugees still displaced in surrounding systems.”

“But an unexpected element has emerged, with ports and outposts reporting a significant increase in positive Imperial sentiment. This has been tied to Princess Aisling Duval in particular, currently enjoying a good reputation among non-Imperial populations due to her work as a delegate to Aegis and a champion of humanitarian causes for those impacted by the xeno war.”

“Shadow-President Jerome Archer has stamped down on this flourishing popularity and was described as ‘outraged’ by the notion of Imperial influence in the heart of the Federation. Republican media outlets, counteragents and even the Proactive Detection Bureau were deployed to quell the initial unrest.”

Princess Aisling has denied any involvement in the growth of Imperial support, but did imply that Federal populations ‘should not be spurned for the consideration of new ideas’.

It has been noted that a core of Aisling’s supporters remain active in Barnard’s Star, which no doubt concerns the Federal government.

Sandra’s Workshop Asks for Festive Gift Couriers

20 DEC 3310

The CEO of leading children’s toy manufacturer Sandra’s Workshop has requested help with parcel deliveries.

Sandra Corrs, the much-loved philanthropist who provides gifts to children across the core systems each year, made a similar request two years ago. Then, with the Thargoid invasion just beginning, her courier fleet was loaned out to help refugee evacuation efforts.

This year a different problem has emerged just as the Thargoid Invasion appears to be over, as Sandra explained to Vox Galactica:

“Our Dolph’s Routes transport fleet has been upgraded and fitted to increase delivery capacity. Or, as we like to say in the workshop: ‘ferry even more joy’, haha! But we’ve discovered a rather irksome snag: with so many little boys and girls displaced by the nasty alien invasion, it’s going to be a challenge finding them all!”

“Even our fleet won’t be able to deliver all our presents on time, given the extra work needed to track down their proper delivery points. We’ll need to rely on kind-hearted pilots to volunteer their time and ensure we can brighten the smiles on every child on our list.”

Pilots willing to help Sandra’s Workshop can collect festive gifts from the Frost Dock outpost in the Njambalba system. The outpost can only provide landing pads for small- and medium-sized vessels. A beacon outside Frost Dock holds delivery information which can be acquired via scan.

Titan Cocijo Destroyed, Sol Liberated

18 DEC 3310

The last remaining Thargoid Titan has been destroyed in the Sol system, following weeks of fierce fighting between Thargoid and human AX pilots.

Titan Cocijo entered a meltdown state 24 hours ago, after pilots were able to jam its heat vents to trigger an overload of heat within the giant mothership. Shortly before detonation, the last remaining Thargoid vessels were seen entering portals to leave the system. No Thargoid ships remain in Sol.

President Felicia Winters, speaking from Feynman in Eta Cassiopeiae, announced victory in the Battle for Sol via all newsfeeds:

“This is a historic moment in human history. We have fought together against an alien invader who sought to dominate us. In this moment, today, we have triumphed. The heart of the Federation was the Thargoid’s final target, and with Aegis’ support the Federation stood firm. Now we look to rebuild, refocus and move forward.”

Professor Alba Tesreau also provided a statement on behalf of Aegis:

“It is important to recognise the significance of our victory. When coming together as one, working side-by-side regardless of identity or allegiance, we have proven that humanity can withstand significant challenges and move forward, arm in arm, towards the future. But in such moments, we remember those who have been taken from us – the selfless, the heroic and the loved. It will take time to heal. We thank the efforts of all those who defended us against the Thargoids, due to which so many of us remain to mourn the lost.”

Words of support from Allied and Imperial figures have been exchanged, though some Federal ICE-Casters have drawn attention to the lack of military support from the other superpowers during Cocijo’s assault on Sol.

The repair of all offline ports in Sol has been highlighted as the next priority. Shipments of materials needed to complete the restoration of these locations are needed in Sol and neighbouring systems which experienced Thargoid invasion.

Refugees numbering in the billions remain homeless, still living in temporary shelters assigned by Rescue Megaship processing teams. Many of these refugees are reluctant to return to their home systems and are looking for new opportunities among the stars.

Participants in the assault on Titan Cocijo can now collect their rewards from Rescue Ship Hutner in the Luyten’s Star system.

Titan Cocijo Vulnerable in Sol system

12 DEC 3310

The last remaining Thargoid Titan, Cocijo, is now vulnerable to attack following a concerted effort by AX forces.

Thargoid forces have been pushed back from systems around Sol, where Titan Cocijo currently hangs in orbit above Earth. The lack of support from these systems, as with other Titans previously, have left Cocijo exposed to a direct assault.

Aden Tanner, special military advisor to Aegis, provided the following update via all Federal news feeds:

“This is our chance to put an end to the Thargoid invasion once and for all. After two years of struggle, sacrifice and bravery, our pilots have risked their lives once more to protect humanity from the greatest threat our people have ever known.”

“We have many pilots still out there – many of which have fought from the very first Titan’s arrival. If you’re able, they could use your support. Ships equipped with Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser, Caustic Sink Launchers, and a Guardian Nanite Torpedo Pylon will be capable of navigating the Maelstrom around Cocijo to strike the Titan’s Heat Vents, ultimately forcing a meltdown state.”

Pilots looking to join the fight against Titan Cocijo should outfit their ships accordingly and join the Battle for Sol. Aegis scanners will record any damage inflicted on Cocijo by individual ships, so pilots will not need to register at a port prior to participation.

Rescue Megaships Decimated by Thargoid Fleet

06 DEC 3310

Almost all rescue megaships deployed to systems near Sol have been destroyed shortly after arrival, Aegis has confirmed.

Eight of the eleven active rescue megaships were ordered to systems close to Sol to help with the expected high flow of refugees and civilian casualties following Titan Cocijo’s arrival. But distress calls were sounded within minutes of arrival with the few recovered survivors claiming the Thargoids had arrived in alarming numbers at the precise arrival location.

The following rescue megaships have been lost:

- Federal Haven in Sol

- Rescue Ship Bertschinger in Sol

- Rescue Ship Foerster in Sol

- Rescue Ship Kisseih in Wolf 359

- Rescue Ship Cavell in Alpha Centauri

- Rescue Ship Yoshida in Barnard's Star

- Rescue Ship Seacole in Wise 1506+7027

Two rescue megaships have so far not been attacked and are orchestrating evacuation efforts for Sol and surrounding systems:

- Rescue Ship Hutner in Luyten’s Star

- Rescue Ship Cornwallis in V886 Centauri

The Allied Solace and Imperial Sanctum rescue megaships were not deployed towards Sol and remain in their respective locations of Sun Wen and Hixkaramu. Given this alarming news, it seems unlikely they will be sent into the dangerous area around Sol now.