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Freelance Report: Strategic Resource Denial

08 JUL 3302

General Alexander Lee, recently retired from United Teaka First, made a guest appearance on the independent talk show Affairs of State this weekend. General Lee responded to questions regarding Federal fleets stationed at barnacle sites.

"Strategic resource acquisition and denial is key in any conflict. It is accomplished by taking resource-rich territory by force, by destroying one's own resources when in retreat, and various other means. The presence of Federation warships at barnacle sites follows this strategic behaviour."

"It doesn't take a grand strategist to see what's happening. The Federation has secured a key strategic asset – the only resource known to counter damage inflicted by Unknown Artefacts. Even if the Federation doesn't intend to collect the meta-alloys, the Empire will be forced to respond by either securing alternative sites, or by contesting current Federation claims. In either case, Independent systems afflicted by UA malfunctions will continue to suffer."

Commander Corrigendum

Galactic News: Federal Citizens Call for Halsey's Release

08 JUL 3302

A growing proportion of the Federation's population is clamouring for the release of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey, who is currently a patient at a secure psychiatric facility on Mars. Despite assertions from Halsey's personal staff that the former president entered the facility of her own volition, an increasingly large section of the galactic community apparently holds the view that she was hospitalised not for the good of her health, but in order to silence her.

One of those calling for Halsey's release said:

"It seems even former presidents aren't allowed to speak the truth. Jasmina Halsey is right – we should keep expanding, pushing out into space – but the Federal government isn't interested. And now they've had her imprisoned."

There has been increased discussion on newsfeeds over the past week concerning the former Federal president, and crowds of people have begun congregating outside the Clearwater Clinic, protesting her confinement.

Freelance Report: Strategic Resource Denial

08 JUL 3302

General Alexander Lee, recently retired from United Teaka First, made a guest appearance on the independent talk show Affairs of State this weekend. General Lee responded to questions regarding Federal fleets stationed at barnacle sites.

"Strategic resource acquisition and denial is key in any conflict. It is accomplished by taking resource-rich territory by force, by destroying one's own resources when in retreat, and various other means. The presence of Federation warships at barnacle sites follows this strategic behaviour."

"It doesn't take a grand strategist to see what's happening. The Federation has secured a key strategic asset – the only resource known to counter damage inflicted by Unknown Artefacts. Even if the Federation doesn't intend to collect the meta-alloys, the Empire will be forced to respond by either securing alternative sites, or by contesting current Federation claims. In either case, Independent systems afflicted by UA malfunctions will continue to suffer."

Commander Corrigendum

Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report

08 JUL 3302

This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy's minor factions.

Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war:

Thraskias Silver Hand Gang

Dalagritu Exchange

G 87-16 Blue Crew

Justice Party of Djakah

Natural BD-07 4419 Regulatory State

Lalande 13942 Jet Dynamic Ind

Warigua Holdings

Tau-2 Gruis A Universal Inc

Maujinagoto Inc

Union of LP 399-165 Union

Civil wars occur when minor factions compete for control of major assets such as starports. When a faction is involved in a civil war, the standard of living, development level and security level in the system it controls are temporarily reduced. Combat activities can bring a civil war to an end.

Here are the latest factions to experience war:

Mob of Minerva

Pohnpet Industry

Limapa Blue State Commodities

Thakur Ltd

Gooheim General Holdings

Friends of Indrundjara

Sirius Free

Mafia of Sama

Labour of Ethgreze

Sobek Silver Netcoms PLC

Wars occur when a minor faction invades a star system controlled by another minor faction. For the duration of the war, the standard of living, wealth level and security level in the disputed system are reduced. Combat activity between the two warring factions determines the outcome of the conflict. If neither faction succeeds in dominating the other, the war ends in a ceasefire.