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Galactic News: Imperial Initiative Comes to an End

01 SEP 3302

Admiral Denton Patreus has announced that the Imperial appeal for construction materials has reached a successful conclusion. A spokesperson for the Morai Nobles, which helped to coordinate the campaign, confirmed that scores of Imperial pilots supported the initiative to construct three new Majestic-class Interdictors by delivering supplies to van de Hulst Vision in the Morai system.

As the campaign concluded, Admiral Patreus issued a statement:

"Once again, the galaxy's Imperial pilots have shown themselves to be industrious and resourceful.

It is individuals like you who make the Empire what it is."

"Construction of the new ships will begin at once."

Pilots who contributed to the initiative are now free to collect their rewards from de Hulst Vision.

Galactic News: Colonia Campaign Concludes

01 SEP 3302

The 80 DD-D 774-CE-2 faction has announced that its campaign to establish a new outpost in the Colonia Nebula has received the unqualified support of the galactic community. Hundreds of independent pilots responded to the appeal, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Jaques Station, the organisation's base of operations.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the organisation said:

"Future generations will look back on this day as the dawn of a new era. An era defined not by conflict, but by unity. An era in which we made the Colonia Nebula our home."

Community Goal: LFT 133 in Need

01 SEP 3302

The AEF Legion of LFT 133 has issued an appeal to the galactic community for help in compiling an order of gold. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the LFT 133 system to ensure that those delivering gold can do so safely.

Pilots who deliver gold to Sullivan Dock, and who help neutralise the agitators operating in the LFT 133 system, will be rewarded.

The campaign begins on 1st of September 3302 and will run for one week. If final targets are met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Freelance Report: Mysterious Wreck could be an Artefact of the Past

01 SEP 3302

The discovery of what appears to be the remains of a non-human spacecraft has sent ripples of fear and curiosity through the galaxy.

"Many are speculating that this is evidence of recent Thargoid activity," said Professor Steven Eisler of the Okinura Xenobiology Institute, "but it's more likely that the wreckage dates from our first encounters with the Thargoids."

"What I find disturbing are the messages and clues that led to this xeno-archaeological find. Someone is deliberately preying on mankind's fear of the unknown, and they need to be held accountable for their actions."


Galactic News: United Research Council Announces New Programme

01 SEP 3302

The United Research Council, one of the galaxy's largest independent scientific organisations, has announced an ambitious new research programme.

The programme, which is expected to last approximately six weeks, will initially encompass all systems within a 30 light-year radius of the Coritab, Darian, Freng and Lunduwalaya systems. Other systems may be added to the list as the programme progresses.

The Alliance, the Empire and the Federation have all agreed to grant the Council exclusive access to these systems for the duration of its research programme. Civilian and military traffic will be free to traverse the region, but pilots pledged to one of the galaxy's major powers will be unable to lay claim to these systems while the project is active.

Professor Ray Miller, director of the organisation, elaborated on the nature of the exercise:

"The programme is in most respects unremarkable – we will be monitoring radiation levels, recording the positions of celestial bodies, and so on – but it is also highly sensitive. The passage of a single ship will not disturb our experiments, but large-scale activity could prove highly disruptive."

"We thank the galactic community in advance for its understanding."

Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report

01 SEP 3302

This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy's minor factions.

Here are the latest factions to hold elections:

Dyr Values Party

Jet Major Industries

HR 7674 Empire Consulate

Alina Guardians of Tradition

Natural Oxossi Conservatives

Hedeinichs Gold Energy and Co

LTT 17102 Industries

Revolutionary Party of Mawuru

Natural Cowicas Front

Hanuku Nationalists

Elections occur when two minor factions with a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.