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Galactic News: Acrimony on Achenar

01 OCT 3302

An anonymous source has indicated that the scandal surrounding former senator Kahina Tijani Loren has awoken latent animosity within the Imperial powerbase.

The source claims that recent events have brought the affairs of Admiral Denton Patreus, Princess Aisling Duval and even Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval into the spotlight, and that much intrigue and politicking is taking place behind closed doors.

Princess Duval, following an embarrassing story from The Imperial Citizen, said: "Isn't it interesting that this happens just as a crisis is developing on our borders? While the media is preoccupied with that psychopathic Loren woman, the real stories are being ignored!"

Neither Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval nor Admiral Denton Patreus deigned to comment on the matter.

Galactic News: Curious Transmission Partially Decoded

01 OCT 3302

In early August, an antique Cobra Mk III was interred at the Tionisla Orbital Graveyard. Shortly before the ship was laid to rest, a beacon aboard the vessel transmitted a repeating sequence of curious characters.

The sequence was picked up by several listening and relay posts in the Tionisla system, and it has now been determined that it contains content obscured with an unknown encryption. The encrypted data is followed by an apparently meaningless clear-text phrase: 'The vain queen rides a giraffe that remembers her daughter's hero.'

Intelligence services within the Alliance, Empire and Federation are said to be investigating the message, but no official statements have yet been made. Both the sender and intended recipient of the message remain a mystery.

Freelance Report: Basking for Refugees

01 OCT 3302

A group of well-connected Imperial Commanders has descended on the Kalana system carrying medicines and evacuation shelters. The loosely organized 'Cutter Club', as the group calls itself, has pledged to meet the needs of the Mu Koji refugees.

The Cutter Club has also organised a fundraising event in support of various other charitable efforts. The event, Basking for Refugees, will be streamed from Moore Prospect on the 2nd of October 3302 at 22:00 galactic standard time. The main event will feature daredevil SRV jumps over rows of Imperial Cutters. The public is invited to participate in the event, and to consider supporting a charity of their choice.

Commander PeachSlicesV summed up the event:

"War creates significant numbers of displaced, vulnerable and needy people. Whatever you can give will improve their lives. Who knows – one day they might save yours."

Commander Corrigendum

Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report

01 OCT 3302

This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy's minor factions.

Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems:

LHS 1442 Exchange

Democrats of Nyoru

The Gathering

Apadecavi Blue General Solutions

Wattunukam Monarchy

Langjela Blue Galactic Exchange

Future of LHS 3877

BD-20 2665 State Organisation

Vucasto Patrons of Law

LHS 1391 Patron's Principles

Expansions occur when a minor faction reaches a sufficient level of influence and there is a populated system within striking distance. Expansion is costly, so when a faction expands, the wealth and development level of the system it controls are temporarily reduced.

Here are the latest factions in withdrawal:

HO Bootis Corporation

HIP 18527 Silver Energy PLC

Wayutabal Empire Pact

Revolutionary Party of Pepper

Gold Systems Ltd

HIP 32135 Fortune Network

Ahanyamwezi Creative Inc

Biataxo Coalition

Cao Guatun Empire Consulate

LTT 1272 Corporation

Factions are considered to be in withdrawal if their level of influence within a system drops below a certain level. If the faction's influence remains low for a total of five days, the faction must leave the system entirely. If the faction manages to increase its level of influence, it remains in the system.