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Mass Thargoid Strike – Emergency Declared

13 MAY 3307

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Thargoid forces have invaded the Delphi system and several systems in the California, Coalsack and Pleiades Nebulas.

Huge numbers of Thargoid scouts and interceptors have appeared within multiple systems. Aegis has mobilised available defences, but also requested assistance from anti-xeno squadrons and independent pilots in combating the Thargoids.

Shipments of Guardian artefacts were recently delivered to the Delphi system as part of an Aegis research programme. Professor Alba Tesreau has speculated that the Thargoids’ well-documented aversion to Guardian technology may be the reason why Delphi was targeted.

Two starports recently constructed by the Kumo Crew syndicate – California Freeport in the HIP 18390 system and Fort Xeno in the HIP 62154 system – are among those seriously damaged by the assault. Archon Delaine, the syndicate’s warlord, announced:

“I’m not going to let these filthy aliens tear down what we’ve only just built. We need to teach them a lesson that even they will understand!”

All attacked stations have called upon the galactic community for help with rescuing their populations.

Nova Imperium Triumphs Over Federation

13 MAY 3307

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The conflict in the Paresa system has ended with Nova Imperium defeating the Federal-backed League of Mandu faction.

Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval had been targeted following accusations that he controlled the NMLA paramilitary group. He delivered a public address:

“Our hard-earned victory brings great honour to all who fought against the Federation’s invasion. Their arrogance justifies our long-held belief that the Empire must stand apart from other superpowers, but Nova Imperium will continue to serve in the fight against terrorism. Memento Mordanticus!”

Ambassador Catherine Carlisle of the Federal Diplomatic Corps made this statement:

“Although we are grateful for their zeal in combatting the NMLA, our intermediaries at the League of Mandu have acted hastily and will soon depart from Imperial space.”

Pilots who fought for Nova Imperium can now collect their rewards from Dyson City in the Paresa system.

Pilots who fought for the League of Mandu can now collect their rewards from Harmony’s Shield in the Paresa system.