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Children of Liberty Offer Prescription for Empire's Future

20 AUG 3301

Children of Liberty Offer Prescription for Empire's Future

The group known as 'Children of Liberty' released another public statement today, this time addressing what it sees as the "crossroads" the Empire finds itself at in the wake of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination.

"Everyone can see that the Empire is at a crossroads, but it is not just a question of who will lead the Empire - it is a question of whether that leader will be answerable to the people. The Empire was founded on the principle of a representative democracy, one in which senators – duly elected by the people – carry out the peoples' will. Marlin Duval would be ashamed of how her noble vision has been twisted and corrupted by her brother and his progeny."

The statement went on to lament that none of the current claimants seem qualified to "restore liberty and honour" to the Empire, although the statement did say that "ironically enough, Aisling Duval embraces the most democratic methods, and goals, of all the claimants. Perhaps if she embraced the aim of returning the Empire to its democratic roots, the lovers of freedom in this galaxy would have someone they could actually support."

Commander Virgil Kyle

Commodities needed in the Kamcha, Dinkas and Jang Di Systems

20 AUG 3301

Commodities needed in the Kamcha, Dinkas and Jang Di Systems

A mysterious organisation called Emperor’s Dawn has issued open contracts for a diverse selection of commodities: Ceremonial Heike Tea, Battle Weapons, and Toxic Waste. Each of these is to be delivered to a specific starport, as outlined below:

Battle Weapons should be taken to Saarinen Station in the Kamcha system

Ceremonial Heike Tea should be taken to Sikorsky Orbital in the Jang Di system

Toxic Waste should be taken to Blaauw Port in the Dinkas system

Little is known about Emperor’s Dawn, but it seems that the curiously-named organisation, which is based in the Kamcha system, has access to considerable resources, as it is throwing a lot of money at this commercial endeavour. Pilots of a mercantile disposition would do well to consider participating in this effort, as there is certainly an opportunity for resourceful traders to make a tidy profit.

Democracy Threatened in Old Worlds

20 AUG 3301

Democracy Threatened in Old Worlds

Allegations have surfaced from sources close to the office of Prime Minister Edmund Mahon that unnamed elements within the Pilots Federation are deliberately undermining democratic factions in the Old Worlds. These groups are allegedly scheming to push corporate governments into power to strengthen trade agreements with Alioth.

The Lave system appears to be the latest victim of these efforts. With support from independent pilots, the incorporated Lave Fortune Organization has become the most influential faction in the system. If they are successful, Lave will become the third system in the cluster – after Leesti and Reorte – to have its democratic government overthrown by a corporation.

The rise of the Alliance as a galactic power has brought prosperity to the Old Worlds, but commentators fear that its basic principles are being undercut by Edmund Mahon in order to protect trade interests. The Prime Minister’s office has yet to respond to these allegations.

Commander Kulzar (AKA Léonard Chamberlain)

Allied News Service | Interstellar Press

Gun Battle Ends Darius Family Murder Investigation

20 AUG 3301

Gun Battle Ends Darius Family Murder Investigation

The hunt for the killers of the Darius family came to a dramatic conclusion today in a firefight with local security forces on Eotienses.

The Darius family was brutally murdered four days ago in what is believed to be revenge for Brendan Paul Darius’s assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval. All of the suspects – who are understood to have been local vigilantes seeking revenge for the Emperor’s murder – were killed in the operation. In a statement, Inspector Reeve, who led the investigation, said:

“Considering the savagery with which the suspects butchered the Darius family, we couldn’t take any chances while attempting to arrest them. They were heavily armed and opened fire as our officers entered the building.”

He refused to answer questions about why the family wasn’t in protective custody, or how the protection team were able to be subdued so easily. One local witness of the operation claimed that no attempt was made to arrest the suspects, an accusation Inspector Reeve vigorously denied.

GalNet Focus on Democracy

20 AUG 3301

GalNet Focus on Democracy

This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections (*).

Here are 10 of the 2,000 minor factions holding elections:

Dominion of Ross 718

Dukes of Pira

Primi Patrons of Law

New Hrimfaxi Party

League of Hrimfaxi Justice Party

Kweleutahe Transport Industries

Kweleutahe Corporation

SPOCS 495 Purple Fortune Co

SPOCS 495 Allied Solutions

Summerland Patron's Principles

Elections occur when two minor factions of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.