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Galactic News: Aegis Initiative off to a Promising Start

08 DEC 3303

Reports from the Taygeta system indicate that Aegis’s new research programme is already bearing fruit.

Professor Boden Tench, principal researcher at Titan's Daughter, offered the following statement to Universal Scientist:

“We’re currently focusing on the Thargoid Probes and Sensors, and we’ve already learned a great deal about the way the Thargoids transmit and store information.”

“We’ve also been studying the star maps found inside Thargoid structures. We still don’t know the precise purpose of these maps, but our analysis has revealed some intriguing details about how the Thargoids categorise geographical data. Indeed, it’s entirely possible that their concepts of territory differ dramatically from our own.”

Galactic News: Rogue Runners Appeal Concludes

08 DEC 3303

The Rogue Runners have announced that their campaign to renovate an asteroid base in Run has received the unalloyed support of the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Smithport, the organisation’s base of operations. The initiative was supported by scores of independent combat pilots, who protected those delivering goods to the starport.

Autumn Leif, the founder of Rogue Runners Co., released the following statement as the campaign drew to a close:

"I would like to thank the galactic community for supporting this initiative. We now have everything we need to repair and upgrade Leif Enterprise, which should soon be offering a large selection of ships and modules. This would not have been possible without the help of Rogue Security and the galaxy’s independent combat pilots, who provided outstanding protection.”

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Smithport in the Run system.

Community Goal: The Colonia Exodus

08 DEC 3303

Despite the repeated assurances of the galactic authorities, which have endeavoured to downplay the scale of the Thargoid threat, it is clear that many of those in the core systems feel less than secure. This is evidenced by the huge numbers of citizens fleeing to Colonia, eager to escape the Thargoids.

In response to this development, the Colonia Council issued the following statement:

"Colonia has always been a haven, and we would never deny entry to those fleeing danger. But if we are to provide people with homes and employment, we must build. We have therefore made plans to establish a number of new outposts throughout Colonia, to support our new neighbours."

"Unfortunately, the urgency of the situation means we cannot rely on our usual trade partners, and we are therefore turning to the galactic community for support. We have placed an open order for a range of construction materials, and have set aside considerable premiums for pilots who deliver these goods to Pilkington Orbital in the Einheriar system."

The campaigns begin on the 7th of December 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: Diamond Frogs Campaign

08 DEC 3303

The Diamond Frogs, a mercenary outfit based on the lawless fringes of the Capricorni sector, have announced plans to build a new installation in the 63 G. Capricorni system.

The faction’s current base of operations has become virtually uninhabitable, as its power and cooling systems have been pushed past their limits.

In support of this goal, the faction has placed an open order for Beer, Liquor, Coffee, Legal Narcotics, Computer Components, Power Generators and Superconductors. They have promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Skvortsov Orbital in the 63 G. Capricorni system.

The campaign begins on the 7th of December 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.