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GalNet Weekly Expansion List

31 JUL 3301

GalNet Weekly Expansion List

Each week GalNat presents a list of 10 of the 1,787 minor factions currently expanding into new systems (*).

HIP 117958 Netcoms and Co

Turot Creative Industries

Badbadzist Freedom Party

Varati Independent Union

Konohi Empire League

T'ieni Blue Galactic Group

Vertsety Network

Sakthau PLC

Nyikan Co

Marquis du Chao T'ien

Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one, and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.

A Week in Powerplay

31 JUL 3301

A Week in Powerplay

It's time for another weekly report on the struggles of the foremost political powers in the galaxy. While several regions saw a more peaceful week, there have also been some big developments. Read on to find out who benefited, and who is tumbling down the rankings.

Arissa Lavigny-Duval has expanded her influence into another system with close to no opposition and fortified her space against some well-coordinated undermining by her enemies, all while providing the core of the fleet attacking Archon Delaine, showcasing her ability to project her power over the whole of inhabited space. With her administration rising to the challenge and recovering from recent turmoil, Arissa's territory is set to return to its previous growth.

Aisling Duval maintains her #1 spot in galactic rankings. This is partly due to her continuing growth at a time when some of her rivals are seeing internal difficulties, and partly because the Princess enjoyed a very peaceful week, with few reports of hostile activity in her space and no opposition to her expansions. With vast resources and an efficient PR machine at her disposal, Aisling is set to keep her galactic poll standing for the foreseeable future.

Zachary Hudson has lost standing this week, in part due to somewhat lacklustre expansion efforts, which saw one of his three attempted expansions stopped by hostile wings. However, the efforts of Hudson's supporters to fortify his vast territory have been remarkably successful, again showcasing the President's ability to withstand heavy undermining of his systems.

Felicia Winters has seen her space come under heavy assault this week. While Winters' supporters are by now extremely proficient at defending her space against enemy undermining action, two setbacks have hurt the Shadow President's ranking this week. The attempt to expand her influence into the system of Liburodo has been stopped by overwhelming enemy action, and Edmund Mahon's expansion into Lugh has contested Felicia's hold over several other systems, further taxing her administration.

Zemina Torval lost the support of several financial interests a few weeks ago, and continues to suffer from the after-effects of that, making another rise in the rankings unlikely for now. At the same time, however, Torval makes good use of limited resources, easily expanding to another system and fortifying much of her space. While the Senator continues to see only moderate enemy action in her space, she has once more suffered due to a focused strike against Tanghpon, which successfully undermined her control of that system.

Denton Patreus had a very successful week. While his supporters are still directing much of their attention to Operation Davy Jones, the Senator managed to expand his influence into two more systems, and successfully fortify and even outdo Archon Delaine in the hotly contested system of Cuchua, which both men have attempted to prepare for future expansion.

Edmund Mahon saw his quick rise to galactic prominence suffer some push-back this week. While his attempt to expand into Lugh was successful and his supporters successfully fortified his systems, the massive surge in enemy activity against the Alliance politician's forces may signal future difficulties, and his expansion into Lugh could trigger more conflict with Felicia Winters and Zachary Hudson. For now, however, Mahon's #3 standing is well deserved, and he enjoys a steady growth in support not enjoyed by his rivals.

Li Yong-Rui expanded into no fewer than five new systems this week. This, along with his successful fortification efforts, easily justifies his rise in galactic standings. Sirius Gov has so far seen few attempts by its rivals to stop its efforts, and it's not entirely clear how the corporation will cope once it's seriously challenged, but it's clear that Li Yong-Rui's organisation will not be returning to the bottom of the galactic ranking any time soon.

Archon Delaine is still in a difficult position, but his supporters have managed to limit the damage done by the Imperial attackers this week. While Operation Davy Jones succeeded in undermining the Kumo Crew's control of five key systems, better organised fortification efforts have actually left the pirate lord with more resources at his disposal than he had the week before. With no new expansions and the continuing assault by huge numbers of Imperial pilots, the pirate band is still in danger, but five weeks into the offensive they continue to resist and to test the resolve of their attackers.

Pranav Antal has spread the vision of Utopia into four new systems this week. This is an unprecedented surge for what has been one of the galaxy's less prominent powers. Utopians appear to credit this unexpected push to a new group of Commanders who are currently unidentified and not in communication with the rest of Pranav Antal's forces. If that force, nicknamed by some “The Many”, continues to support the Simguru, then Antal's rise to #9 in galactic rankings might yet be sustained. Further rise may be compromised by an ambitious attempt by Utopians to establish a commune in the distant colony of Sothis, which is sure to tax the organisation's scant resources.

Smuggling on the Rise in Conflict-Strewn Pegasi Sector

31 JUL 3301

Smuggling on the Rise in Conflict-Strewn Pegasi Sector

"Let's just say I'm not flying a small ship anymore!" laughed one Commander, pledged to the Kumo Crew, when asked about the ongoing conflict in the Pegasi sector. "We all know that these Imperial types have been flying around and ransacking ships in our space, but what have they actually achieved? Archon Delaine has consistently shown us that, under his leadership, we can repel any fleet and make an absurd number of credits in the process. Who is really losing this fight?"

It is certainly hard to argue with the Commander’s logic. The combined Imperial fleets have continually undermined Kumo Crew territory, but they are yet to make any significant headway into smuggler-controlled space. Reports indicate that illegal contraband has risen at alarming rates since the conflict began, and an unusually large quantity of credits has made its way into Kumo Crew space from their aggressors' territory.

When asked where these seemingly never-ending credits were flowing from, the Commander had this to say: "I'm a supplier of goods, some legal and some...not-so legal. People don't care about a line in the sand – they want their trinkets and toys. War is good for business, and business is good."

With no end in sight, it certainly seems one group will be making the most of the situation while it lasts.

Commander Shadewarlock

Ex-Governor Joel Xander Charged with Venality and Abuse of Office

31 JUL 3301

Ex-Governor Joel Xander Charged with Venality and Abuse of Office

Federal prosecutor Kerstin Marling has brought charges against the former Governor of BD-22 3572, Joel Xander, in the Federal court in Rhea.

Marling stated that she has evidence that Xander had been receiving financial support from local leaders King Justice II and Supreme Leader Anxo Lino of BD-22 3573 Flag, which has led to a dramatic decrease of Federation popularity in the sector.

“It is of utmost importance to show to all the poor people who have suffered because of this man's corruption that this was not official Federal policy, but the work of an individual, who will be treated as a criminal for his deeds.”

Meet the Powers – Denton Patreus

31 JUL 3301

Meet the Powers – Denton Patreus

Senator Denton Patreus is the latest subject in this sixth article from political commentator Marcus Macmillan about the movers and shakers in 3301.

Senator Patreus is often seen as the muscular aspect of the Imperial Senate. He is one of the more powerful senators (although lagging behind the heavyweights of Senators Lavigny-Duval and Zamina Torval) and enjoys great loyalty from his followers. This is in part due to his record of low taxation funded through aggressive economic and military conquests.

While some have accused the Senator of unethical behaviour for his strong-arm tactics, others respond that if governments put themselves into debt then they only have themselves to blame. His shrewd policies have allowed him to assemble deep credit reserves and a formidable fleet, providing him with power beyond what his standing might indicate.

Hailing from Eotienses, he is a charming and charismatic leader who prefers to govern from his Majestic-class Interdictor called ‘Imperial Freedom’. During the Emperor’s illness, he called for the Imperial throne to pass along lines of popularity rather than blood. Since the Emperor’s recovery he has steadfastly supported Hengist Duval, but many wonder if this attempted break from tradition has limited his popularity in the wider population.

GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

31 JUL 3301

GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

This weekly transmission takes the latest GalNet data and lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy. (*).

These are 10 of the 12,761 minor factions involved in a civil war:

Ruchbah Progressive Party

Lwalama Patron's Principles

Mapor Incorporated

Independent Khawchuang Green Party

HR 2283 Independents

Monarchy of Luyten 205-128

Confederation of Caelottixa

Sosoling Alliance

Hemaskas Corp.

Arimavante Constitution Party

Civil wars take place between minor factions in the same system over ownership of major assets like starports. During civil wars, only combat missions and activities help bring the conflict to a resolution. Security, development level and standard of living indicators all drop for the duration of the civil war.

The following are 10 of the 2,415 minor factions at war:

Crimson Netcoms Co

Quiness for Equality

GQ Virginis General Corporation

Xolotl and Co

United Ao Progressive Party

Revolutionary 16 c Ursae Majoris Future

HIP 92342 Silver Fortune Comms

HIP 8564 Corp.

Irusamara Drug Empire

Union of Huveang De Alliance

Wars occur when a minor faction invades another star system. For the duration of the conflict, standard of living, wealth and security are all severely impacted. Combat missions and activities determine who wins the war. If no winner emerges, the war will end in a ceasefire.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.