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Corporate Split between Mastopolos and Torval

08 OCT 3307

Senator Zemina Torval’s company Torval-Mastopolos Mining has become fully independent from its parent corporation.

The former subsidiary of Mastopolos Mining has officially rebranded itself as Torval Mining Ltd. Zemina Torval is listed as its CEO, with her eldest daughter remaining as operations director. The starport Torval Orbital in the LTT 198 system serves as the company’s headquarters.

Business correspondent Anton Lagorio reported for The Imperial Herald:

“Although Torval Mining Ltd is now an independent company, shares are legally transferable between it and Mastopolos Mining. This has allowed loyal supporters of both Zemina Torval and Gabriella Mastopolos to flock to each other’s banner. As a result, Torval Mining Ltd has acquired many ships, staff and resources from its former parent.”

“There have been assurances that the split was amicable and in line with Imperial traditions of honourable conduct. Constantia Torval has promised customers that mining and transportation services would be maintained to the same high standard.”

“Speculation continues over what caused this unexpected rift between the Torval and Mastopolos families. It seems that Zemina Torval is focusing on providing benefits for her own children and grandchildren, rather than her cousins on the Mastopolos side, but the reason for this change of heart remains unclear.”