09 MAR 3303
Ambassador Cuthrick Delaney, steward of the Prism system, has announced that the Loren's Legion appeal for tantalum has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Hundreds of independent pilots responded to the appeal, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Hiram's Anchorage, the organisation's base of operations.
In a statement, Delaney said:
"Loren's Legion would like to extend its gratitude to all the Commanders who rallied to our call. Our immediate economic issues have been addressed, thanks to your efforts."
Pilots who contributed to the initiative are now free to collect their rewards from Hiram's Anchorage in the Prism system.
09 MAR 3303
The Colonia Council has launched a fourth migration appeal, giving the galaxy's minor factions an opportunity to establish a permanent presence in the Colonia Nebula.
A spokesperson for the organisation explained the nature of the initiative:
"Once again we are asking pilots to deliver a specific commodity to Jaques Station on behalf of their chosen organisation in order to earn a migration visa."
"At the end of the campaign, the ten factions that have made the largest contribution will earn the right to settle in one of the systems we have targeted for colonisation. A new planetary outpost will be constructed in the system for the organisation's sole use."
The campaign begins on the 9th of March 3303 and will run for four weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
09 MAR 3303
The Military Militia, an independent organisation based in the XI-2 Lupi system, has announced plans to establish an installation in its home system, and has issued an appeal for various commodities for use in the construction. Commander MiL1TiA SiX, the group's wing commander, elaborated on the nature of the appeal:
"We need two resources to start construction – military grade fabrics and platinum – and we encourage all able and willing Commanders to assist us."
"Resistance is expected, but the Military Militia and its allies stand at the ready. We will be patrolling the shipping lanes in order to keep criminals at bay and ensure no crime goes unpunished."
The proposed installation, which will be known as Soldiers' Respite, will boast state-of-the-art communication relays, high-tech weapon systems and a combat training facility.
The organisation has promised to reward pilots who deliver the requested commodities to Pellegrino Hub in the XI-2 Lupi system. The campaign begins on the 9th March 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
09 MAR 3303
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy's minor factions.
Here are the latest factions to hold elections:
Zelano Systems
Green Party of HIP 103138
39 Tauri Interstellar
Labour of Geras
Marquis du HIP 110867
Jet Fortune Exchange
Social Bakaduninka Future
Democrats of BD-02 4304
i Bootis Democrats
Official LTT 982 Autocracy
Elections occur when two minor factions with a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.