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GalNet Focus on Democracy

02 JUL 3301

GalNet Focus on Democracy

This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions around the galaxy pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections (*).

Here are 10 of the 8,0081,766 minor factions are holding elections:

DH leonis Nationals

LF 8 +16 41 Focus

League of Gliese 384

CR Draco Blue Transport Network

Labe State Holdings

Aristocrats of LHS 1803

HIP 93685 Transport Corp

HIP 94184 Organisation

HIP 14611 Party

Crathiganit Silver General IndElections occur when two minor factions are of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.

Mahon speaks out on Alliance Values

02 JUL 3301

Mahon speaks out on Alliance Values

Prime Minister Mahon gave a speech today to the assembled graduates of the esteemed Alioth University, the same establishment he graduated from as a student. While his opponents sometimes deride his ‘matter of fact’ presentation, few could argue against the Prime Minister’s passion for the values he holds dear:

“The Alliance of Independent Systems is built upon a single defining principle and that is one of freedom. The freedoms we enjoy range from our personal freedoms as inscribed in the Bill of Human Rights to the freedom of societies and even planets within the Alliance.

“But we should not accept this grace blindly or assume that its existence continues by mere chance. The birth of the Alliance came from removing the burden of the Federation and the Empire who for centuries fought each other for our resources and we were caught helpless in the middle.

“Both of those organisations proudly describe their origins as being freedom from the tyranny of others. And yet now they are the tyranny and it is our duty to oppose them, while also ensuring that we don’t become them.”

The speech then turned to the minutiae of the Alliance’s democratic process. But pundits were quick to comment that this was a bold statement from the Prime Minister and that perhaps the recent successes in the Old Worlds region show a more robust future for the Alliance in galactic politics.