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The Union of Eta Draconis Falls to Force

20 MAR 3301

Inside sources report that a covert raid, carried out by special operation forces acting on behalf of the Gold Vision Company, has led to the capture of Swift Terminal in Eta Draconis.

According to eye witness accounts, a small team of silent sidewinders managed to penetrate select points of the starport. Special operatives then manoeuvred towards, and captured, the main control terminal. They then shut down all power to the docking bays, allowing the main assault force unrestricted access to the port.

When asked for comment, President Vondell of the Gold Vision Company had this to say:

“We here at Gold Vision are proud of our soldiers who were fighting on the front-lines aboard Swift Terminal and on the surface of B5. I want to give a big thank you to my right hand men and women, the 8th Dragon Squadron. Without them fighting in the black, risking their lives every second, this would have never been possible. This is a new day for us, but rest assured we wish for nothing more than to bring peace and prosperity to the people of Eta Draconis.”

Prism Senator in Illegal Parking Row

20 MAR 3301

Returning to Earth at the invitation of the Secretary General, Senator Kahina Tijani Loren’s Imperial Courier was tagged with a fine at Mars High apparently due to activating its boosters while still within the station.

Reports indicate this caused a deafening roar within the docking area and even cracked the windows of the docking administration office.

Sources close to Mars High administration were quoted as saying “We are showing restraint! She’s lucky we didn’t obliterate her ship immediately like most parking offenders. What else does she want?”

Deano Blake, a trader whose Adder has been impounded by Mars officials for several weeks due to an inadequately sealed drive plate, told our reporters, “Never really thought much of Imperials before this, but I’ve got hand it to this Kahina gal, she’s got style!”

Halsey Honours Heroes

20 MAR 3301

Despite the actions of undercover operatives acting on behalf of the Crimson State Group aboard Hartsfield Market, the Federation continues to dominate the skies of Lugh.

Today President Halsey honours those heroes who have made the greatest contribution to the war effort.

Among them:

Lugh’s top gun, Commander Nightwulf, who has managed to singlehandedly remove almost 14,000 enemy combatants from the field of battle.

Khaka’s top logistics officer, Commander Darius Torkalar, who has personally shipped in 3000 tonnes of weapons into the area.

They have been heavily aided in their efforts by:

Post Commander Crownan

Post Commander Pablo-Diablo

Petty Officer Dave Lukewski III

As well as:

The Broker known as Commander BadBjarne

The Broker known as Commander Ranmust

The Merchant known as Commander Vorian Artreides

Patreus and the Princess

20 MAR 3301

Senator Patreus and Aisling Duval have been spotted out and about on Faece this weekend. The Empire’s newest power couple took to the fashion halls for a pleasant afternoon shopping spree, accompanied by a vast entourage of followers and hangers-on.

The couple walked hand in hand as security cleared the way for them to enter shops and purchase beverages. The pair spent around three hours perusing the goods on offer in the Faece fashion halls, before retiring to Senator Patreus’s ship for a light dinner.

Eyes on Lugh

20 MAR 3301

Federal forces continue to dominate the skies of Lugh. The Crimson State Group’s air defences have been all but shredded, with the majority of their fleet now adopting a defensive position around Balandin Gateway and Knight Dock.

Thanks to the actions of a crack troop of Federal Marines, Seega Port was secured with only a handful of soldiers being lost in the process. Federation forces are now working hard to secure Read Gateway for use as a staging post, from which they plan to launch a series of attacks against Crimson State starports.

Despite millions of lives having already been lost in the conflict, rumours from Lugh suggest that the Crimson State Group is preparing a desperate last-minute attempt to stop the Federation from crushing the native uprising.

However, in a sign that the local population may be losing faith in the CSG’s ability to secure the system, hundreds of refugee ships have started to flee from Lugh 6 in a bid to escape the Federation’s wrath.