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Cult Requests Rare Commodities

06 DEC 3304

An obscure cult based in the Zlota system has requested a range of rare items for an arcane ceremony.

A handwritten statement from Barnabas Cole, leader of a group named the Children of Tothos, was submitted to the media:

“This is the rite that will unmask us and allow us to see the path – the path we will all take, together, toward freedom.”

Zlota Federal Holdings, which is thought to have some connection to the cult, has requested Aganippe Rush, Motrona Experience Jelly and Onion Head to be delivered to Nusslein-Volhard Settlement in the Zlota system. It has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to protect those delivering these rare commodities.

The initiative begins on the 6th of December 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Achilles Corp Initiative Concludes

06 DEC 3304

A goodwill initiative from the Achilles Corporation has now concluded.

Chairman Gus Weaver of the Sol division of Achilles Corp announced:

“Thanks to the dedication of many independent traders, we have now acquired enough commodities to manufacture replacements for all robots destroyed in the wake of the spy robot scandal.”

“I’d also like to remind our customers that the illegal surveillance program was safely deleted by our latest coreware update. Remember, you can always trust Achilles.”

The deliveries were organised by the Adenets Pro-Alliance Bond, which also arranged to protect traders from attack. Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Henslow Market in the Adenets system.

New Nanomedicine Announced

06 DEC 3304

Independent company Vitadyne Labs has developed an innovative new form of nanomedicine.

Professor Katrien Rook published the following press release:

“Nanomeds are sophisticated pharmaceuticals that use nanoscale materials to repair cell damage on a molecular level. They can heal any injury in a fraction of the normal time, and can potentially cure almost any disease and infection.”

“Furthermore, regular use of nanomeds affects cellular senescence, drastically slowing the ageing process. In theory, nanomed users will live between 30 and 50 years longer, and will enjoy near-perfect health during those extra decades.”

“After months of trials we are inviting medical authorities, including the Interstellar Health Organisation, to review our data. Pending approval, we hope to have Vitadyne nanomeds on the market soon.”

New Nanomedicine Announced

06 DEC 3304

Independent company Vitadyne Labs has developed an innovative new form of nanomedicine.

Professor Katrien Rook published the following press release:

“Nanomeds are sophisticated pharmaceuticals that use nanoscale materials to repair cell damage on a molecular level. They can heal any injury in a fraction of the normal time, and can potentially cure almost any disease and infection.”

“Furthermore, regular use of nanomeds affects cellular senescence, drastically slowing the ageing process. In theory, nanomed users will live between 30 and 50 years longer, and will enjoy near-perfect health during those extra decades.”

“After months of trials we are inviting medical authorities, including the Interstellar Health Organisation, to review our data. Pending approval, we hope to have Vitadyne nanomeds on the market soon.”