Galnet News

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Restoring Sanity to Anarchy in Banki and BD+03 2338

13 FEB 3301

As the Federal Navy begins to move into position around Banki and BD+03 2338, independent Commanders from all corners of the galaxy have started gathering at Antonio De Andrade Vista in Banki and Matteucci Terminal in Khasiri in preparation for the final set of engagements against the Federal rebels.

The Federal Navy has issued a warning calling for all civilians to evacuate the areas around Banki and BD+03 2338 immediately. The official policy being that any unidentified ships caught in the coming conflict will be treated as enemy combatants, meaning they will most likely be destroyed on sight.

All loyal members of the Federation are requested to report to either Antonio De Andrade Vista in Banki or Matteucci Terminal in Khasiri to receive orders as to how they can best lend their support to the Federal Navy. Non-combat roles are available for conscientious objectors.

The St. Valentine's Day Regatta

13 FEB 3301

Captain Millington, chief of racing operations, has finally announced the details of this year's St. Valentine's Regatta, one of the most prestigious events on the yearly racing calendar. The race, which begins in the Kumbaya system, will see participants follow a gruelling 500ly route that passes through some of the most dangerous areas in the surrounding sectors.

"As every pilot knows, St. Valentine's is a gruelling test of nerve and daring, a headlong dash from one side of inhabited space to the other. Many enter, but only one can win. In the 37 years of the race's history (excluding 3284, when it was cancelled due to the civil war) this race has never been won by a pilot with less than exemplary skill. Many winners have gone on to become legends, so join us on the 14th to find out who will be next to ascend to glory amongst the stars."

Any last minute entrants should contact Commander Kitiara for more information on how to sign up.