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Community Goal: Restoring Order in Arque

18 AUG 3302

Authorities in the Arque system have reported a sharp increase in the number of criminals operating in the area. Reports indicate that the agitators are attacking pilots travelling in the system, disrupting trade and generally causing discord.

To counter this threat, Arque Commodities has placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the system, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Austen Town Station.

The campaign begins on the 18th of August 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Galactic News: Federation Takes Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-16

18 AUG 3302

Following a week of conflict, the Pleiades Resource Enterprise has confirmed that the Federation has taken control of the Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-16 system, having ousted the incumbent Imperial Inquisition. In a statement, a spokesperson for the organisation thanked the many Federal pilots who took part in the operation.

"This victory brings with it the promise of a brighter tomorrow – a brighter tomorrow for the people of IH-V C2-16, who are now free from the dehumanising influence of the Empire, and a brighter tomorrow for the Federation, which has gained a valuable strategic asset."

Community Goal: The Colonia Initiative

18 AUG 3302

The Colonia Nebula is a relatively innocuous region of space encompassing the Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 system. It is also likely to become a major bastion of humanity in the years to come.

Public interest in the Colonia Nebula was piqued by the arrival in Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 of Jaques Station, which dropped into the system after making an unsuccessful attempt to jump to Beagle Point. In the weeks that followed, pilots started ferrying goods to Jaques Station to repair the damaged starport – an initiative that captured the imagination of the galactic community. The region soon became a focus for those who fear that a war between the Federation and the Empire may be looming, and who hope to escape it.

A coordinated campaign to establish a permanent outpost in the region, organised by the 80 DD-D 774-CE-2 faction, is already underway and a second is about to begin. The 80 DD-D 774-CE-2 faction has announced plans to establish an outpost in the Colonia Nebula, and has placed an open order for materials for use in the construction.

A spokesperson for the organisation said:

"A new beginning. A new tomorrow. That's what the Colonia Nebula represents. A chance to create an interstellar community free from the internecine conflicts that blight so much of inhabited space. With your help, we can make it happen."

The 80 DD-D 774-CE-2 faction has promised to reward pilots who deliver titanium, semiconductors and robotics to Jaques Station in the Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 system. The campaign begins on the 18th of August 3302 and will run for two weeks.

Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report

18 AUG 3302

This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy's minor factions.

Here are the latest factions to hold elections:

Future of BD+32 4747

Kehperi General Limited

Bureau of V886 Centauri

Daikulcandi Empire Consulate

HR 108 Crimson Universal Prtnrs

Aranbarahun Party

Explorer on Tour

Sigma-2 Ursae Majoris Travel Solutions

BD+02 305 Universal Exchange

HD 137388 Emperor's Grace

Elections occur when two minor factions with a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.