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Colonia Bridge Project Faces Possible Changes

19 NOV 3307

Brewer Corporation is enhancing the travel corridor to Colonia, but details about the project’s next phase remain uncertain.

Business-related newsfeed The Tau Ceti Journal published this feature:

“There’s no doubt that Brewer Corporation always thinks big. It has enjoyed huge commercial success as a manufacturer of starports and outposts, and its Drake-class fleet carrier has been enormously popular.”

“The Colonia Bridge is the megacorp’s most expensive undertaking yet, investing hundreds of billions of credits on the transportation infrastructure between the core systems and Colonia. More than one analyst predicted that the project might financially destabilise them.”

“The first two phases proceeded on schedule. Before the end of this month, there will be a chain of 56 stationary megaships along systems between Alcor and Colonia.”

“But there are rumours of a change of plans for phase three, which may be early next year. It is believed that Brewer Corporation is revising its plans based on the unexpectedly high levels of participation from the galactic community.”

“In support of this, one company insider did reveal that more engineered frame shift drives are being manufactured, to be offered as incentives to contributing pilots in the third phase.”

Neo-Marlinist Forces Gather in Mudhrid

19 NOV 3307

The megaship Steel Majesty has arrived in the Mudhrid system after being taken over by NMLA terrorists.

Its original owning faction, the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid, has officially reclaimed the vessel. Margrave Corentin Delacroix, the faction’s new military ruler and the son of former Landgrave Arastin Delacroix, announced:

“The Steel Majesty has returned home to fulfil its destiny. Be warned: should any ships attempt to board or attack, all the former crewmembers still onboard will be executed.”

Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez gave a statement on behalf of ACT:

“Unfortunately, we cannot take action while hundreds of innocent people remain captive. But the NMLA’s effort to assemble troops, supporters and resources must not succeed. Having the Steel Majesty as a mobile base will allow them to regroup for a new campaign of terror – especially if they manage to reach Theta Seven before we do.”

A spokesperson for the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group, which controls the Mudhrid system, claimed:

“The hostages should be considered lost as casualties of war. We are prepared to perform our duty for the Empire once again by destroying the Neo-Marlinist threat.”