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Brewer Corp Augments Starport Services

24 FEB 3308

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Further deliveries to Alcor and Colonia are required to add new facilities to the Colonia Bridge starports.

The Colonia Bridge project is currently halfway through its final phase, which takes place over a four-week period. In the previous week, pilots supplied large quantities of performance enhancers, personal weapons and survival equipment.

A press release from Brewer Corporation outlined the next stage:

“Thanks to the hard work of many independent pilots, we have established a Pioneer Supplies outlet, a crew lounge and a search and rescue contact at the five starports along the travel corridor between the core systems and the Colonia region.”

“For week three, our aim is to continue constructing the stations by installing a material trader, concourse bar and mission contract services. These will rely on shipments of computer components, liquor and water purifiers.”

“For pilots who deliver these to Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system and Jaques Station in the Colonia system, Brewer Corporation will be pleased to offer a White Engine Drive Colour and a White Carrier Drive Colour alongside payment in credits.”

Once this week’s initiative concludes, week four will aim to complete the Colonia Bridge starports with a full range of services.

Battle of Summerland Ends NMLA Threat

24 FEB 3308

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Empire has carried out reprisals against the rogue faction Darkwater Inc in the Summerland system.

The private military firm had trained NMLA terrorists and held Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval captive, on the orders of a cabal of senators named the Lords of Restoration.

Darkwater mustered an impressive armada, but these were no match for a combination of superpower forces and independent pilots. Colonel Ronan Brock, the mercenaries’ leader, was killed during the fighting when he fled from the Onyx Storm megaship and was shot down by Imperial auxiliaries.

Emperor Arissa praised all those who helped destroy Darkwater, and declared: “Let the Battle of Summerland mark the victorious end of our bitter war against both the NMLA and the traitors who sought to destabilise the Empire.”

ACT clarified that “Although there may always be Neo-Marlinist extremists, the large-scale threat of the NMLA has finally been nullified.” All data obtained from the terrorists’ Omega Grid network has now been shared with the relevant security agencies.

With Darkwater eliminated, the Empire has installed a new controlling faction into the Summerland system. The Praetorian Vigil will report directly to the Emperor and govern in her name.

The Summerland Patron’s Party will redeem combat bonds and provide other rewards at the starport Henry O’Hare’s Hangar. A permit exemption allowing all independent pilots to enter the Summerland system will remain active for the next two weeks.