14 DEC 3301
Authorities at Gabriel Enterprise in the Harma system have reported that the station is the latest to be affected by mystifying technical problems, following a raft of malfunctions and breakdowns throughout the starport. Meanwhile, personnel at Saunders's Dive in Wolf 1301 have released a similar statement, reporting extensive technical problems over the past 24 hours. A member of the technical team at Saunders's Dive said:
"It's the same story as at those other starports – system failures, blackouts, all that stuff. At this rate, half the starports in the galaxy are going to be out of order before long. Someone needs to figure out what the hell is going on, and fast!"
We will continue to bring you up-to-the-minute reports on this issue.
14 DEC 3301
Gabriel Vox, chairman of the GalNet Board of Review, has released a statement in response to criticism of errors in recent GalNet publications:
"The GalNet periodical 'A Week in Powerplay' summarises weekly changes in political dynamics, economics and various other situations in thousands of systems throughout inhabited space. With this task comes a high probability of clerical error. It is my dubious honour to correct some of these errors at this time."
"The summary of 22nd–28th October 3301 incorrectly stated that the Alliance forged no new trade agreements, when in fact an agreement with Kpaniya was finalized."
"The summary of 3rd–9th December 3301 failed to mention the trade agreement between the Alliance and 37 Librae."
"Princess Aisling Duval has erroneously been referred to as a 'senator' in several publications."
"Please be assured that we will redouble our efforts to ensure the facts represented in 'A Week in Powerplay' are reliable."
Commander Corrigendum
14 DEC 3301
In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit.
Here are 10 of the 10,244 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:
Justice Party of Caill Reddi
Cauan Tzu Stakeholders
Dominion of Zorya Nong
Kurichchan Coalition
HIP 87679 Purple Creative Org
Furuhjelm III-674 Republic Party
Regina Blue General Corporation
People's Bibri Labour
Carthage Silver Drug Empire
CD-68 29 General Organisation
When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction's influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.
Here are 10 of the 1,509 factions currently experiencing economic bust:
Korovii Purple Comms Limited
Defence Force of Giryampi
Baker Confederacy
Uru Bureau
Hirapa Blue Camorra
People's Party of Asoorajara
Nobles of Lacaille 9352
Bureau of Zeta Aquilae
Green Party of Diso
Bhritzameno Regulatory State
The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction's influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.
Data is correct at time of publishing.