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Galactic News: Professor Ishmael Palin Responds to Fellow Scientist's Concerns

23 JAN 3302

Professor Ishmael Palin, the scientist conducting research into the Unknown Artefacts, has issued a response to Violet Belbin of the Xenological Research Institute. Professor Belbin recently released a statement in which she suggested that Professor Palin was exercising insufficient caution over the meta-alloys – the substance produced by the so-called 'barnacles' discovered in the Pleiades Nebula.

"I have nothing but respect for Professor Belbin, but on this occasion I feel her concerns are misplaced. There is no evidence that the meta-alloys are harmful, and I can assure the professor that my team and I will take every precaution when handling and testing them. Furthermore, I am not rushing to any conclusions regarding their possible application. We do not know if the meta-alloys can counter the malfunctions affecting our starports, which is precisely why I wish to study them. As a scientist, I feel an obligation to contribute to a deeper understanding of this material."

Galactic News: Weekly Expansion List

23 JAN 3302

Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 1,370 minor factions currently expanding into new systems.

Osermo Gold Dynamic Incorporated

HIP 43296 Labour

Slatus PLC

Orgen Citizen Party

The Gathering

League of Mannona

Confederacy of Bondranses

Labour of Cochi

Indines Commodities

Ambirikar Imperial Society

Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one, and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

Data is correct at time of publishing.