24 JUN 3307
*Pilots Federation ALERT*
Pilots have delivered commodities to enable Sirius Corporation to mass produce a fully engineered detailed surface scanner.
The enhanced ship module will shortly receive a commercial release, having previously only been available during a terraforming initiative by Sirius Atmospherics in late 3306.
The Engineered Detailed Surface Scanner V1 increases probe coverage to twice the normally achievable range, offering a more efficient mapping of planetary surfaces.
The project’s success was declared by Sinclair Faraldo, marketing director for Sirius Corporation:
“We are most grateful to all pilots who brought us shipments of CMM composites, muon imagers and synthetic reagents as requested. Mass production of the enhanced detailed surface scanner has already begun, and it will be available for purchase from human technology brokers very soon.”
All pilots who took part in this campaign can now collect payment from Sirius Corporation at Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system.
24 JUN 3307
*Pilots Federation ALERT*
Aegis Research and Taurus Mining Ventures have requested deliveries of Guardian artefacts to the PMD2009 48 system.
Their rival campaigns follow the discovery of an ancient battleground between the Guardians and the Thargoids on Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2 1a.
Patience Middleton, representing Taurus Mining Ventures, broadcast this statement:
“‘Salvation’ has claimed the exclusive rights to exploit the Proteus site, which was only discovered because of his specialist knowledge. He has contracted us to pay for Guardian caskets, orbs, relics, tablets, totems and urns brought to the Glorious Prospect megaship.”
Aegis Research has also positioned a megaship, the Archimedes, in the PMD2009 48 system. Professor Alba Tesreau announced:
“It is vital that Aegis replaces the Guardian artefacts that were lost aboard the Alexandria. Without sufficient materials, our anti-xeno research programme will be severely hampered.”
“We recognise the risk that collecting Guardian technology on a megaship may attract the Thargoids, as happened in the Delphi system. However, this system is much farther from any known areas of Thargoid activity, so we hope to avoid drawing their attention.”
The Alliance, Empire and Federation consider depriving Aegis of resources to be a criminal act. As a result, pilots are warned that any ship modules received from Taurus Mining Ventures will be marked as ‘hot’, thereby incurring extra costs to be cleaned prior to installation.