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Freelance Report: The Christmas Carriers Convoy

05 NOV 3302

The Colonia Citizens Network has invited the galactic community to support Colonia by delivering much-needed food and equipment to the region and by transporting new settlers, as part of what is set to be one of the largest freight convoys in human history.

The Christmas Carriers Convoy will depart on the 2nd of December 3302, stopping at each outpost on the so-called Colonia highway, and arrive in Colonia in the first week of January. So far, nearly 150 pilots have signed up.

The Earth Defense Fleet, the 9th Legion, the Iridium Wing, SEPP and the Prismatic Imperium have all pledged pilots to protect the freighters for the duration of the trip.

Dalilah William, a citizen of Colonia Hub, said:

"We need more of the essentials that those in the core systems take for granted, which is why we're calling on traders and haulers to join the Christmas Carriers Convoy, and appealing to combat pilots to protect them."


Galactic News: Second Mysterious Wreck Discovered

05 NOV 3302

A shipwreck bearing strong similarities to that recently found in the Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 has been discovered in the HIP 17862 system.

The wreck was found by one Commander Denneb on the airless planetoid 6 C A.

Images of the site, shared by the many independent explorers and scientists who flocked to investigate it, show an unconventional-looking vessel with a distinctly organic quality. Like the shipwreck found in the Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4, the wreckage encompasses a number of vaguely wing-like elements roughly arranged around an octagonal core.

The discovery has stimulated considerable debate among scientists and xenobiologists. So far, as with the previous shipwreck, no concrete information about the vessel's origin has emerged.

Commentators have observed that the ship bears no apparent signs of weapons damage, and that the concentrated debris field suggests the vessel was still intact when it hit the planet's surface.

Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report

05 NOV 3302

This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy's minor factions.

Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems:

Independents of Mildeptu

Zugen Incorporated

HIP 112052 Central Corporation

Zeus Bureau

HIP 114530 Guardians

Confederation of Dahan

Peng Dung Jet Creative Network


Eravapa Empire Group


Expansions occur when a minor faction reaches a sufficient level of influence and there is a populated system within striking distance. Expansion is costly, so when a faction expands, the wealth and development level of the system it controls are temporarily reduced.

Here are the latest factions in withdrawal:

Colanja Gold Power Services

Eranin Peoples Party

The Pilots Federation

LHS 3505 Crimson Mafia1

Nasaraudi Jet Mob

Lao Zi Blue Fortune Corp.

Anduliga Empire Group

Allied Herthans Front

HIP 1003 Nobles

Priva Empire Group

Factions are considered to be in withdrawal if their level of influence within a system drops below a certain level. If the faction's influence remains low for a total of five days, the faction must leave the system entirely. If the faction manages to increase its level of influence, it remains in the system.

Freelance Report: Hapless Explorer Returns Home

05 NOV 3302

A number of newsfeeds have reported that amateur explorer Commander Lewis has finally returned to human-inhabited space. After following the Distant Worlds Expedition into the void, the unfortunate traveller found himself alone in a damaged Asp Scout some 65,000 light years from civilisation.

A freak accident during the return trip resulted in the loss of most of Commander Lewis's food supplies, leaving him with only tea and an assortment of biscuits for the six-month journey home. After being treated for malnutrition and diabetes, Commander Lewis spoke to the media about his ordeal:

"The journey was a nightmare. I kept getting lost, and was haunted by images of long-dead 21st century actors. If it wasn't for my 1,000 friends on social media, I would have gone insane. I don't think I'll ever eat another biscuit."

Shanaeri Rynale