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JUN 3301

Meet the Powers – Aisling Duval

24 JUL 3301

Meet the Powers – Aisling Duval

In this new series, exclusive to GalNet, the popular political commentator Marcus Macmillan looks at some of the movers and shakers in 3301. In this first article he examines the life of the popular darling of Imperial politics: Princess Aisling Duval.

Aisling Duval is Prince Harold’s eldest child, but has gained a substantial following on her merits. She appears to be a canny operator, although many would argue that her advisors provide her with a veneer of acumen. She is young at only 25, and very visible in the media. Her claim to the throne is technically nullified by the fact that her parents were not married, but her claim is no weaker than some of the other contenders.

The people’s princess (as she is sometimes known) is extremely popular with many citizens, clients and patrons. She regularly appears on lightweight chat shows, but tends to avoid anything where she might have to face tough questions.

At heart Aisling is a populist, taking many of her views from the public mood. She splits her time between managing her brand from Cemiess, and spending time with her father in Achenar. Her mother died of a drugs overdose when she was young which, combined with her father’s unfortunate legacy from a hedonistic life, has left Aisling with a passion for helping those whose lives have taken a turn for the worse.

Despite her youth, she enjoys considerable support from the people and also from elements who would benefit from shaking up Imperial society.

The Sirius Corporation – The First of the Mega-corporations

24 JUL 3301

The Sirius Corporation – The First of the Mega-corporations

In this latest edition of GalNet’s series relating key points in human history, popular historian Sima Kalhana addresses the rise of the first mega-corporation.

Apart from a few isolated backwater systems, the presence of mega-corporations is ubiquitous throughout civilised space. Massive as many of these organisations are, none of them compare to the wealth and influence of the Sirius Corporation.

The rise of the largest corporation in history started in 2339 when the Sirius Corporation launched the first completely corporate colonial mission arrived in the Sirius star system. The continual state of conflict between the Federation and the Empire catapulted the Sirius Corporation into an economic powerhouse as they became the lead supplier of fuel, then later drives and other technologies.

Within a century, its products were integrated into military and civilian production. It also developed an envied trusted status with both superpowers and indeed supplied both sides during their conflicts. This in part was due to strict information restriction protocols and an open promise that it would favour neither side during any conflict.

The Sirius Corporation developed its own code of strict laws to ensure fair dealing as well as the good governance of its workforce. Its influence reached such a state that the so-called ‘Sirius Convention’ was applied not just during deals with the corporation, but between independent systems as well.

Throughout the years, fuel and drive production has remained their core business, although judicious expansion into other markets has driven its astronomical growth. The Sirius Corporation now operates several product-oriented divisions including: Sirius Catering, Sirius Mining, Sirius Power, Sirius Luxury Transports, Sirius Industrial and Sirius Atmospherics. Most recently they launched a new venture, Sirius Gov, to provide governmental services for population management on all scales.

Its history has been marked with some failures, most notable of which is the Antares incident which I will examine in the next article. However, its successes have far exceeded those failures and the Sirius Corporation remains the most powerful corporation in known space.

The Code Leaves Archon Delaine's Crew

24 JUL 3301

The Code Leaves Archon Delaine's Crew

Some months ago, Archon approaches Captain Anopheles of The Code and says: 'Ano, you're my kind of guy. Your crew has been making waves as the most successful of all the pirate crews. Come over to me and make an alliance. I have my tech guys making some sweeeeeeeet tech and I'm running my own space. You can be one of my trusted lieutenants if you bring your guys over."

That sounded good, so Anopheles took his boys over to Harma. Discontent started almost immediately when they learnt that running a couple of systems was less about scantily clad slave girls serving you rum and more about being a bureaucrat.

When the new weapon was revealed, that was the last straw for The Code as it wasn’t what they’d expected.

Captain Anopheles met with Archon and they have a frank and lively debate with added knives. The Code gave him two weeks for things to get better. Arechon refused to change for them, so The Code left.

The Code are going back to basics and going to be roaming the space lanes as "independent asset redistributors". In short, they have left the desk behind and have picked up their grappling hooks again.

Carns Economic Success

24 JUL 3301

Carns Economic Success

Newly promoted Chief Communications Officer Ramon Lamor held an enthusiastic press conference announcing the success of Humason Orbital’s project to upgrade its economy to High Tech.

“This is great news for our future. This economic development will lead to a new era of prosperity for Humason Orbital and the Carns system as a whole.”

When asked about the civic disruption reported in previous weeks, he replied:

“There have been a few and thankfully isolated disruptive elements seeking to keep our fine society in an ever-declining economic state. These individuals have been encouraged to see the error of their ways and are now completely onboard with our grand economic plan.”

Operation Davy Jones - Frontline report

24 JUL 3301

Operation Davy Jones - Frontline report

It has been over two weeks since the Kumo Crew's attempted expansion into the Imperial system of Cuchua was answered with 'Operation Davy Jones’. With Imperial Commanders combining their efforts to contain and eventually wipe out the pirate organisation, the Pegasi Sector has been under siege. With an end to the conflict nowhere in sight, we asked Commanders on both sides for their views on the offensive and their forces' efforts.

Commander Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar, aligned with Senator Patreus, said: "It has been a slow start in the Pegasi Sector, but the offensive is just gearing up. Our ultimate aim is not only to free Imperial citizens from unlawful bondage, but to liberate all persons held in branded slavery by the Kumo Crew."

Her sentiment was echoed by Commander Corrigendum of Lavigny's Legion: "Since the first wave of Operation Davy Jones, Archon's forces have been routed from Imperial space. Some milestones were not met as anticipated, but we anticipate greater results as the full might of the Imperial fleet is brought to bear."

In keeping with those statements, the Imperial offensive shows no signs of relenting, with heavy clashes in the systems of Anedjete, Sopontet and Huichi, amongst others . While the Kumo Crew continues to rule some 5.6 billion Imperial citizens, attempts to conquer more Imperial systems have been countered. However, the pirates' stern resistance to Imperial undermining of their territory has given many of their pilots a boost of confidence.

In a brief interview, Commander GluttonyFang, one of the pirates coordinating the Kumo Crew's efforts against the Empire, said: "What we lack in number we make up with our indomitable spirit to fight against imperial oppression. The Kumo Crew will not relinquish its grip on the galaxy. Even if our mortal vessels fail us, we'll haunt our enemies with the wrath of our spirit."

Commanders on both sides appear to agree on one thing: that the fate of the Pegasi Sector will be decided in battle. In response to a question about the possibility of a diplomatic settlement, Commander Corrigendum said: "The Empire refuses to negotiate with any who hold its people captive. Our people will be set at liberty or their captors will face annihilation." With Archon Delaine continuing to defy Imperial demands, it would seem peace is a distant prospect for the once-quiet Pegasi Sector.

Commander Cadoc

GalNet Weekly Expansion List

24 JUL 3301

GalNet Weekly Expansion List

Each week GalNat presents a short list of 10 of the 1,745 minor factions currently expanding into new systems (*).

Union of Calili Free

LHS 1122 United Limited

Jet United Co

Eotienses Citizens' Forum

Kumal Partners

Quaaybuwala Empire League

Wurun Legal Commodities

HERZ 13422 Systems

Partnership of Kalangputys

Revolutionary Zlotrimi Green Party

Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.

Emperor's Grace and Cosmic State Commence Weapons Manufacture

24 JUL 3301

Emperor's Grace and Cosmic State Commence Weapons Manufacture

Following the very recent expansion by Emperor's Grace into an Imperial system, a suitable industrial location for the production of advanced technology and weapons has been identified. It is deep within Imperial space and protected by forces loyal to Emperor's Grace. The unnamed system presently has production facilities for both Battle Weapons and Personal Weapons.

Grimnir Allvadderung, CEO of Cosmic State's Hammer Arms and Vaarwen Mako Brennus, Leader of Emperor's Grace met in Rishair to inform the media about the exciting developments between Cosmic State and Emperor's Grace. This announcement was immediately overshadowed by the galaxy wide public announcement that the wedding of Emperor Hengist Duval to Florence Lavigny was to proceed as soon as possible.

This historic Royal announcement preceded yet another evening of carousing by the two friends, and large quantities of beer were consumed. The brewer responsible for the consignment of Beer delivered to the celebrations sadly died that evening, having fallen into a vat of malt, allegedly not long after a number of guests complained about the consistency of the beer. An agricultural system is therefore being considered as a potential location to produce mead in Emperor's Grace territory and additional beehives are to be located on the planet's surface.

A Week in Powerplay

24 JUL 3301

A Week in Powerplay

It's time for another weekly report on the struggles of the foremost political powers in the galaxy. With ongoing hostilities throughout inhabited space, who has benefitted from the chaos, and who has lost favour?

Arissa Lavigny-Duval has mustered enough resources to continue expansion despite her focus on the Imperial offensive against the Kumo Crew. Arissa claimed HIP 32812 and Phracani almost entirely unopposed. At the same time, hostile wings have continued to undermine her territory, and while their efforts were largely contained, this disruption helped to push Lavigny-Duval into turmoil.

Aisling Duval claims the #1 spot in galactic rankings this week, after another round of rapid expansion. While Aisling's supporters succeeded in securing her systems against enemy incursions, the effort to claim HIP 95256 was stopped in a surprise opposition push that is variously blamed on either Mahon's pilots or other Imperials.

Zachary Hudson has for several weeks experienced severe efforts to undermine his control, but his supporters have consistently succeeded in fortification. However, while Hudson claimed two new systems, this week the President's enemies successfully undermined Hanggardi, pushing the administration into turmoil.

Felicia Winters saw her efforts to claim HDS 1065 and Potamoi fail, as Federal space continues to see heavy, regular infiltration by hostile Commanders. At the same time, the Shadow President managed to expand her influence to three new systems, and to counter undermining efforts by the means of well-coordinated fortification.

Zemina Torval saw another drop in support this week, reflected in the successful enemy undermining of Tanghpon and the failure of her expansion attempts into HIP 23824 and Mandhrithar. At the same time, remaining Torval associates made good use of their now-limited resources, securing Jamariges and shoring up vulnerable border systems.

Denton Patreus has had his supporters focus their efforts on just one system this week, expanding into Vaka and abandoning attempts elsewhere. This is likely due to many combat pilots pledged to the Senator focusing on the offensive against the Kumo Crew, which continues to take the pressure off Patreus' once-threatened systems.

Edmund Mahon expanded quickly this past week, just as he has for the last month. This allowed him to greatly expand his influence and climb the galactic rankings, but it presents the Alliance politician with a new problem. With Mahon's territory so spread out, fortification efforts are becoming increasingly difficult, and several systems have fallen into chaos following heavy undermining.

Li Yong-Rui has seen a growth both in territory and enemy action similar to Edmund Mahon's and with similar results. A combination of rapid expansion and increased undermining by hostile wings has thrown some of the Sirius Gov’s systems into a state of turmoil. While the situation is not as severe as for Mahon, thanks to extensive fortification, Li Yong-Rui’s troubles as a symptom of the same issues, an increasingly large territory policed by a stretched security force.

Archon Delaine put up a stern defence against the combined Imperial offensive into the Pegasi Sector for the past two weeks, but the first cracks have shown in the pirate crew's fortifications. Half a dozen of Archon's systems, including He Xians and San Muss, have been successfully undermined by Empire-aligned wings. While the pirate crew remains resolute in the face of the massive assault, securing two more systems this week, the pressure seems to only be increasing.

Pranav Antal successfully expanded into HIP 116213 after several failed attempts in the past. Speaking about the system a month ago, the Simguru called the planned new commune "an enlightened defence against the uncivilised horde". This provocative expansion was possible by the peace Utopia continues to see, with their space considered to be, in the recent weeks, one of the safest places in the galaxy, thanks to the relatively small organisation's non-threatening attitude towards its neighbours.

Commander Cadoc

Dignitaries Start Arriving on Capitol

24 JUL 3301

Dignitaries Start Arriving on Capitol

In scenes reminiscent of January, dignitaries and guests from the farthest reaches of the Empire have started arriving on Capitol. Already there is a shortage of suitable accommodation for the guests, and various senators are taking advantage of this by providing places to stay for favoured visitors.

While there is a festival atmosphere to the city, many are taking advantage of the influx of influential people to work deals and to make plans for the future. Since the Emperor’s recovery, there has been a marked improvement in the mood of the citizenry as they see this as an end to the uncertainty over the past several months. Security is as tight as ever, and the secure area around the Imperial Palace has been given the nickname ‘the fragrant city’, because of the proliferation of flowers and finery along and around those already opulent boulevards, gardens and buildings.

In a move well received by the populace, Chancellor Anders Blaine has declared that the wedding day will be a public holiday so that all may celebrate along with the Emperor and his family.

GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

24 JUL 3301

GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

This weekly transmission takes the latest GalNet data and lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy. (*).

These are 10 of the 12,542 minor factions involved in a civil war:

Uadjarii Nobles

Wogama Gold Council

Hou Yangk Partnership

Nu Tauri Mob

Traditional LHS 135 Flag

Labour of LHS 135

Nurundere Power Limited

Natural Nurundere First

Kholevi Labour

New Kholevi Constitution Party

Civil wars take place between minor factions in the same system over ownership of major assets like starports. During civil wars only combat missions and activities help bring the conflict to a resolution. Security, development level and standard of living indicators all drop for the duration of the civil war.

The following are 10 of the 2,485 minor factions at war:

Sitakapa Empire League

LPM 746 Life Commodities

Jet Power Exchange

Fugeirones Shared

Jang Tun Corp.

Raiders of Theemetana

Pirates of LHS 450

Independent Savaroju Values Party

Auaker Prison Colony

Deciani Empire League

Wars occur when a minor faction invades another star system. For the duration of the conflict standard of living, wealth and security are all severely impacted. Combat missions and activities determine who wins the war. If no winner emerges then the war will end in a ceasefire.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.