Galnet News

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Onionhead Appeal Attracts Pirates

19 NOV 3301

Reports coming in from the Xelabara system indicate that the recent request from the Drug Empire of Xelabara for onionhead has drawn hundreds of pirates to the system. According to system authorities, the pirates are targeting the traders travelling to and from Navigator Market, the hub of the onionhead operation. Fortunately, the Xelabara Republic Party has promised to reward pilots who help eliminate the pirates. A spokesperson for the Xelabara Republic Party said:

"We suspected the increase in trade activity would attract pirates, so we set aside some privateer bonds for combat pilots to help clear the spaceways. So if you own a combat ship and you know how to use it, get yourself over to Xelabara. We need you!"

Faction Issues Appeal for Onionhead

19 NOV 3301

A faction known as the Drug Empire of Xelabara has issued a request for the controversial narcotic onionhead. The drug was once a significant trade commodity, but it suffered a setback last year when former Federal President Jasmina Halsey declared it illegal in Federal space. Rooney 'Rush' Romero, a spokesperson for the Drug Empire of Xelabara, explained that the appeal is partly intended to revitalise the market:

"The fact is that people want onionhead. The Federation might not like it, but that's their problem – our organisation is well within its rights to establish a trading operation in Xelabara. Trouble is, although we've got the money, we don't have the merchandise. That's why we're offering generous incentives to pilots who deliver onionhead to our base of operations in Xelabara."

The Drug Empire of Xelabara is not believed to be connected to the Farmer's Cooperative of the Kappa Fornacis system, onionhead's main producer. The Federation has not released an official statement concerning the request.

More Malfunction Reports

19 NOV 3301

Over the past month, starports in the Warkushanui, 49 Arietis, 64 Arietis and Varati systems have experienced a raft of mysterious technical issues and malfunctions. Gurragchaa Gateway in Warkushanui has been the worst affected, and at the time of writing the station remains in a state of partial closure.

As the problems persist, reports of similar – and equally mysterious – issues have arrived from Hinz Hub in the Ngobe system, Tsunenaga Dock in the Iapodes system, and Li Qing Jao in Sol. Precise details are not available, but the problems are understood to be similar to those plaguing Warkushanui, 49 Arietis, 64 Arietis and Varati.

All starports in the affected systems are believed to be fully operational, but if the issues are not addressed soon, closures may be inevitable.

GalNet Focus on Democracy

19 NOV 3301

This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections.

Here are 10 of the 2,304 minor factions holding elections:

Kamas Empire League

Alpha Centauri Liberals

Partnership of Alpha Centauri

New Arti Freedom Party

Parutis Corp.

New HIP 18187 Flag

HIP 18828 Empire Consulate

Wuluang Legal and Co

HIP 18427 Commodities

Kalvante Power Limited

Elections occur when two minor factions of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

Data is correct at time of publishing.