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Reports of the Cerberus Plague beyond BD-02 4304

14 JUL 3301

Reports of the Cerberus Plague beyond BD-02 4304

The heroic efforts of the local authorities at Newton Dock in BD-02 4304, combined with independent pilots from far and wide, have slowed the outbreak affecting the local population.

Carl Simmons, the Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock, responded to reports of further infections in the nearby systems: Dajoar, Eleu and 20 Ophiuchi.

“We can confirm that there have been isolated incidents which we believe are the same infectious agent that we have seen here on Newton Dock. The populations in those systems should not be alarmed and three operations have been initiated to isolate the sick and prevent further outbreak.”

When asked how the disease had spread to those systems, he replied:

“We can’t confirm the vector as yet. Our current belief is that these cases are simply people from here who managed to travel before restrictions were in place. However, as with any outbreak of this magnitude, we are not taking anything for granted.”

He concluded his statement with:

“Once again we are calling on the resources of the independent pilots in the region to help ensure that these cases do not develop into a full-blown outbreak as seen here on Newton Dock.”

While he denied that the team were calling the new disease the Cerberus Plague, one technician did confirm that the name was being used unofficially and came from an unusual three-pronged structure at the ‘head’ of the phage-like organism.

Rise of the Nova Fleet on the Frontier

14 JUL 3301

Rise of the Nova Fleet on the Frontier

After several decades as a Freelancer member of the Pilots Federation, Commander DarkStar decided to unite a fleet of former Imperial and Federal pilot. Working closely with Commander Equin0x, he united them into forming a freelancer fleet to patrol the frontier and assisting in their economic development. The long term aim is to help free them the superpowers.

CMDR Equin0x commented to GalNet:

"The superpowers exploit the populations of the frontier colonies to gain cheap labour and materials, in conditions that are near to, if not actual slavery."

Up until now the Nova Fleet constituted a loosely bound alliance of like-minded individuals occupying distant and relatively uncontrolled areas of the frontier. The fleet has recently grown with a sudden influx of new membership, and now this growing collective has now attracted politicians' interest in both Imperial and Federation space.

A spokesperson for the Nova Fleet talked to us about their objectives:

"The Nova Fleet will bring prosperity and security to the frontier of the human civilization. We will avoid political entanglements with the superpowers and their lackeys. The truth of our intentions can be seen from the pilots who once served Federation, Empire and even the Alliance who’ve joined us! We should not be underestimated. We will bring security to the frontier, even if that means to fight against the Empire, the Feds or bloody aliens!"

Their influence and fame seems to spread fast, and with over 100 ships, their number of associates grows even faster.

GalNet Weekly Security Digest

14 JUL 3301

GalNet Weekly Security Digest

In this weekly report the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems (*).

The following are 10 of the 387 minor factions are in lockdown:

Kassimshipa Company

Blue Comms Corp.

Defence Force of Tanmark

Sietae Empire League

Progressive Party of HR 1254

Caria Empire Assembly

Alpha Fornacis Interstellar

Kamocan Purple Universal Corp

Sopontet Fortune Corp.

Velnians Crew

Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system’s wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can reduce the lockdown period.

These are 10 of the 813 minor factions are experiencing civil unrest:

LHS 3749 Group

CT Tucanae Boys

Rata Bares Purple Dragons

Society of Kemwer

Unkuar Jet Natural Group

Lausang Empire Party

Peckollerci Democrats

Natural Contien Movement

Witchhaul Corporation

Sadhen Purple Partnership

Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

* Data is correct at time of publishing.

Long Live the Emperor!

14 JUL 3301

Long Live the Emperor!

Senator Anders Blaine, Chancellor to Emperor Hengist Duval made a surprise statement on the steps of the Imperial Palace today. With obvious joy on his face he declared that the Emperor has awoken from his coma.

“It is with great pleasure I can announce that Emperor Hengist Duval awoke from his coma in the early hours of this morning. His physicians have completed extensive medical tests and declared him well on the way to becoming fit and healthy. They have advised a few days of rest and monitoring before he resumes his state functions.

As can be expected from our Emperor, he has expressed his intention to lead the senate in a few days time.”

The welcome news of the Emperor’s recovery has rapidly spread throughout the Empire and inspired impromptu celebrations in every level of Imperial society .

Amidst the well wishes a small number of the more cynical pundits have muttered that they will believe the good news when they see the Emperor in person. Most commentators though are simply overjoyed to hear of the Emperor’s return and hope that this will herald a new and more united future for the Empire.

As part of the celebrations for this news it was also announced that all independent pilots with an active rank with the Imperial Navy will be able to purchase the Imperial Courier and Imperial Clipper ships.