27 JAN 3309
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
An improved xeno scanner has been released to assist combat vessels engaged in anti-xeno operations.
Following increased calls from AX pilots that the existing xeno scanner’s limited range was a hindrance, Professor Palin’s team at Arque Laboratory delivered a redesign to manufacturers that extends the scanner’s upper range to two kilometres.
Industrial complexes have worked overtime to distribute the latest model of xeno scanner. It is now available from military, high-tech and industrial planetary bases, as well as rescue megaships.
27 JAN 3309
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
The Kumo Crew syndicate has rallied in the California Nebula to repel the region’s Thargoid invasion forces.
In recent weeks Thargoid fleets swarmed through several local systems. The Kumo Council, the enclave’s authority for the notorious organisation, rapidly called in reinforcements in three systems it governs. Local security forces are now organising counter-attacks against Thargoid vessels.
Archon Delaine, warlord of the Kumo Crew, announced:
“Already the war has reached the California Nebula. But are any superpower navies racing to its defence? Of course not – the Alliance considers this colony expendable. It’s down to us to protect the nebula’s citizens, and will do whatever it takes to succeed.”
The Pegasi Sentinel newsfeed published a request for populations not to impede Kumo Crew activity, suggesting that fleet mobilisation is ‘a temporary measure to provide a coordinated resistance against the Thargoids’. It is thought Kumo Crew’s megaship, the Mictlan, is preparing to deploy in support of these efforts.
This message was rejected by Turner Research Group, which controls several of the invaded systems. The scientific organisation was established by the Alliance in 3302 to study the barnacles discovered in the region. Harrison Gladstone, the group’s spokesperson, declared: “Delaine is obviously using the Thargoid attacks as a pretence for a power grab. There is no chance that these pirates will defend our systems out of the goodness of their blackened hearts. We’ll know what Delaine’s real plan is soon enough.”
The California Nebula has witnessed several Thargoid attacks, most recently last October, but this is the first marked increase in hostilities following the arrival of the Maelstroms.