14 MAR 3305
The Distant Worlds II expedition has gathered resources for a megaship and installation to be constructed in the Galactic Centre.
Contributors delivered huge amounts of materials to the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. Deep Space Surveys also defended miners by placing a kill order on all wanted ships.
Commander Michael Darkmoor of the Rock Rats stated:
“The newly built astrophysics station will enable us to observe high-detail changes to the gravimetric field surrounding Sagittarius A*. We hope to better understand the deeper relationships between extreme gravity and multi-dimensional space.”
The Distant Worlds II exploration fleet will continue its journey across the galaxy, towards Beagle Point.
Those who took part in the campaign can now collect their rewards from Explorer's Anchorage in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system.
14 MAR 3305
Archambault terminal in the Chun Tstar system has been overtaken by the Children of Tothos cult, who are threatening to detonate a stolen nuclear weapon.
Senior Agent Rochelle Karim gave this statement:
“Most services at Archambault terminal have shut down as a result of the control deck’s occupation by Children of Tothos adherents. It’s evident that personnel are obeying the cultists’ orders for fear that they will use the Lucifer Device.”
“Millions of people remain at the starport, making a frontal assault too risky. FIA negotiators are taking steps to open a dialogue and resolve the situation peacefully.”
The cult’s leader, Barnabas Cole, transmitted a brief message using Archambault terminal’s communications array:
“At last, we have found the place where our testament’s light will shine. Join us. When the ceremony is complete, you will all see Tothos as we do.”