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10 FEB 3301

Yembo-Crowdsourcing Required to Help Build New Station

After a week of speculation, Universal Cartographics have today announced that the system chosen to receive what is planned to be the first of a new fleet of UC controlled Explorer Station’s will be HIP 101110.

Samuel Covington, the leader of the committee in charge of choosing HIP 101110 as the target location, had this to say about the announcement -

“Hopefully this will be the first step in putting a more robust support system in place for all the brave men and women who risk their lives out there in the black. It won’t be easy establishing a station so far away, but we believe the rewards far outweigh any obstacles that might crop up along the way.”

Partial construction of the new station will take place in the shipyards of Yembo. Anyone capable of sourcing metals are advised to get themselves over to Naddoddur Terminal - Yembo straight away, as Universal Cartographics are offering some exceptional incentives to Commanders helping with their current construction efforts.

10 FEB 3301

Compassion was the Cure for Ngaliba

The community of Ngaliba managed to avoid a fate worse than death this past weekend, as hundreds of aid workers flew to the region to help find a cure for the plague that had been ravaging its way through the system.

Imperial, Federal and Independent pilots from all walks of life came together to provide the vital resources needed to save countless lives. Thanks to their efforts there were less than a dozen confirmed causalities before a cure was finally found.

Samples of the Ngaliba Plague have been sent on to all major virus repository databases as protection against any potential future outbreaks.

10 FEB 3301

Soontill Alien Artefacts to be Auctioned at Ngurii

Soontill is back in the news this week as fresh rumours have surfaced of alien items hitting the market in Ngurii.

It's been nearly two decades since Gallagher Restoration's auction of Soontill relics was discovered to be merely an outrageous publicity stunt. Although many high profile individuals were left red faced after the Phekda auction, most notably the band Jjagged Bbanner, it seems people still want to believe in the Thargoid legend. Indeed, several familiar names have already come forward enquiring about the new finds.

What gives the latest rumours more credence than previous claims is the fact that the source of the alien items is not just one individual or one group, but several different lone wolf pilots.

Is this another hoax?, Another stunt?