27 JUN 3302
Following a recent statement from Admiral Maxton Price of the Federal Navy concerning Farragut Battle Cruisers in the Merope system, Dr Arcanonn of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group has responded:
"Admiral Price's authoritative assurance is most welcome. Canonneers and other researchers can hereafter refer to his words as we learn more about the barnacles, and why the Unknown Artefacts point towards Merope."
Dr Arcanonn also confirmed that barnacle sites had been located in the Witch Head Nebula, while Canonn vessels continue to search for barnacles in other nebulae.
Concluding his statement, Dr Arcanonn commented on the elusive Unknown Probes – believed to be related to Unknown Artefacts.
"We are now examining an Unknown Probe secured by my esteemed colleague Professor Monkey D Luffy. Early research indicates that it orients itself towards Merope 5 C, a site of barnacle proliferation. Obviously, Merope remains under intense scrutiny."
Commander Nicholas Powell
27 JUN 3302
Following three days of conflict, the Independents of Daramo have confirmed that the Federation has successfully resisted the Imperial offensive in the Daramo system. In the wake of the victory, Admiral Yorke of the Federal Navy extended his gratitude to the many pilots who supported the Federation, and added:
"Hopefully this episode will remind our enemies that they cannot simply take whatever they want. It was not so long ago that the Empire was nothing more than a gaggle of clueless colonists on Achenar 6d, while the Federation controlled over a thousand systems. The Empire should remember where it came from."
Territorial disputes between the Federation and the Empire are not uncommon, but the strength of Admiral Yorke's words, and in particular the use of "enemies", will no doubt trigger considerable debate on the current state Federation-Empire relationship.
27 JUN 3302
This report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy's minor factions.
Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom:
Federal Congress
Progressive Party of Abukunin
Natural LP 811-17 Conservatives
HIP 117865 Flag
Freedom Party of Walka
Hu Jona Natural Systems
Liberty Party of Han Xiang
Jera Social Democrats
HIP 116460 Patrons of Law
LTT 700 Front
Boom is usually the result of consistent trade profit and completed trade contracts. When a faction experiences a boom, the wealth of the system it controls temporarily increases and trade missions completed in the system have double the effect on influence. The faction's influence may also increase. Booms typically last until they naturally expire.
Here are the latest factions to experience an economic bust:
Lalande 18115 Natural Network
51 Aquilae Gold Creative Systems
Coringha Galactic Industry
Coastakal Co-op
Brani Federal Holdings
Gang of LHS 512
Epsilon Indi Party
Dominion of Sowiio
Jet Bridge Inc
Haritana Dynamic Group
When a faction experiences a bust, the wealth of the system it controls is temporarily reduced and the faction's influence is temporarily diminished. Trade actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust typically has to run its course before ending.