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Powerplay: Weekly Report

22 JAN 3302

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon approved trade agreements with the leaders of Dao Zi and Ross 931 this week, bringing a total of 88 preferred trading partners under his influence. A truly impressive trade network now supports the Alliance economy, and representatives of Ross 842 are currently seeking to become another node in that highly lucrative network.

President Zachary Hudson made an appearance at the new Federal navy base in the Frey system, while Vice President Brad Mitchell presided over the opening of another naval base in Lalande 37120. Both systems expand the protection of the Federal fleets to frontier worlds near the troubled Pegasi Sector. Meanwhile, a new naval base is currently being established in the Muncheim system.

Shadow President Felicia Winters was unable to secure support in Sawali and Amuzgo last week, but a glimmer of hope still shines in these systems. Renewed aid campaigns aim to motivate Sawali and Amuzgo to vote 'Liberal', although it's likely only one of these campaigns will bear fruit. Political analysts lean toward Sawali as the most likely to pledge its support to the Shadow President.

Senator Zemina Torval had an unexpectedly profitable week, sending stocks in her enterprise soaring. This success was made possible in large part by the acquisition of the Chujohimba system. Senator Torval is expected to make another investment this week, this time in the Timbarichs system.

Princess Aisling Duval's tour through Ekono, HIP 77470 and Chnumar successfully stimulated interest in the Princess's cause. If system leaders in all three systems pledge their support, a total of 64 key systems will formally enforce the Princess's abolitionist agenda. Aisling Duval is also rumoured to be courting the leaders of the Nyalayan system. Further news is expected in one week's time.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval withdrew Shield of Justice forces from the Nyalayan system this week, and a lack of resources for the Emperor's fleet may lead to withdrawals from Bragit, Candecama, Rurema, He Xingo, and Yao Tzu. No new contracts for Shield of Justice security details in Hrun, Kherthaje, Neites, and Waimiri were fulfilled, as another side-effect of the supply shortfall.

Simguru Pranav Antal established a presence in the Peregrina system this week - a dubious achievement given that the only life-bearing body in Peregrina has been cordoned off due to native pathogens. Any ship passing through the moon's atmosphere is automatically designated a plague ship, refused docking in all systems, and attacked on sight by faction and system security forces. At the time of writing, Utopian delegates are opening relations with the Dongkum system, and preparing to open enclaves in Taosha and Sukree.

Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui had to deal with another unexpected financial hiccup this week. Attempts to acquire assets in the private and government sectors in Dongkum, HIP 23395 and Kenna were underfunded, and failed. CEO Yong-Rui now has to consider either purchasing the assets of Kwaritreni, or selling off the assets of Ticua.

Senator Denton Patreus amassed an enormous budgetary surplus this week, and will likely seek to expand his influence in several systems next week. Sales of arms and other supplies are currently taking place in the Katurru system. Meanwhile, 23 Delta Piscis Austrini is playing host to the senator's fleets, and could become a permanent Naval berth.

Pirate Lord Archon Delaine's bid to take control of Djabijabus and Devata Baru were unsuccessful. Kumo Crew fleets remained undaunted, however, pressing advantages in open insurrections in HIP 103138 and Tjakiri. At the time of writing, signs of insurrection are also beginning to appear in the HIP 109144 system.

Commander Corrigendum