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Resources Supplied to Xeno-Retrieval Programme

04 AUG 3308

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A delivery campaign in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system has provided vital commodities to Azimuth Biotech.

The technical materials will enable Azimuth to analyse the salvaged wreckages of Thargoid vessels, following the activation of the Proteus Wave in the HIP 22460 system.

Captain Maxim Lagunov, commanding officer of the Glorious Prospect megaship, delivered a statement to conclude the initiative:

“Over the last week, I have been pleased to witness so many ships arriving at the Glorious Prospect in response to Director Rademaker’s request. Our cargo holds are now well stocked with HN shock mounts, micro controllers, neofabric insulation and radiation baffles. My crew are already arranging for these to be distributed to Azimuth’s xenological research centres.”

“Pilots who signed up to this campaign can now collect credit payments. We also have a limited stock of pre-engineered Guardian shard cannons, which have been ferried across from our sister ship Bright Sentinel, and these will be awarded to the most dedicated contributors.”

The Glorious Prospect will remain in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system alongside the Musashi, which is offering anti-xeno weaponry and redeeming Thargoid combat bonds. Two other Azimuth megaships, Bright Sentinel and Heart of Taurus, are in the nearby HIP 22460 system where the Proteus Wave project is approaching readiness.