Tell us a little but about what the Smiling Dogs get up to.
The Smiling Dog Crew (hereon SDC) is a loose consortium of emergent content creation professionals that operate out of several locations in core space, serving key constituencies in the Lave cluster, Sothis systems, and the LHS 3447 galactic metropolitan areas. Our specialists and service professionals in the field pride ourselves on an agile service response model capable of delivering above board estimates and build out solutions for stakeholders in both B2C and B2B markets.
SDC specializes in high velocity and high impact deliveries of content through accurate deployment and precision tactics in concert with straight-thru-the-cockpit (STTC) service for all CMDRs, regardless of financials, demographics, and affiliation. SDC is an equal opportunity service provider--no CMDR is too inexperienced or too insignificant for a custom, personalized solution.
How did the Smiling Dogs start out. Tell us a little bit about your group's history?
SDC was born out of the necessity to both meet consumer demand and correct an imbalance in the market. Eight months ago, the supply of CMDRs was at an all time high, resulting in an overdelivery of casual flying and overbuilt conditions of CMDRs-not-exploding.
In order to meet this market decoupling head-on, SDC was formed and immediately began raising capital and mobilizing equipment for the purpose of providing personalized solutions for every CMDR, with an eye towards cost efficiency and timely client rectification.
Field ops began over seven months ago when The Smiling Dog Crew LLC was officially established and registered in order to generate stakeholder enthusiasm and synergistic capital growth. Code affiliate CMDR Asneakyninja necessitated the coalescence of the crew by issuing a 10m credit contract for a solution to CMDR Sundae, as a response to his particular--and disputed--actions in the Lave cluster. In order to raise equipment and capital to outbid the contract, the crew was formed in a partnership between CMDRs Ornee Shaula and Sundae.
Since then, our organization has far exceeded deliverable expectations, all while maintaining a CMDR-owned, flat hierarchical organizational structure that has truly unleashed grass roots driven growth--these factors ensure the speedy and efficient delivery of quality content for both our members and our clients.
What exactly do you get up to for the Smiling Dogs? Did you start the group?
Personally, my role in the organization is to facilitate field ops and maintain high levels of Smiles Per Gallon (SPG). SPG is a proprietary analytic developed by our incredible CMDR Resources team led by CMDRs Kinmob and Toypar--months of intensive research have yielded that SPG can be effectively maximized through the utilization of wackiness, zany anecdotes, and general tomfoolery both in game and through teamspeak. Founding members of our group include CMDRs Sundae, Ornee Shaula, Skramz and InAbsentia.
What is it about Elite Dangerous that keeps you coming back?
When played with quality Space Professionals, E:D is an effective maximizer of Smiles Per Gallon, allowing me to fill my whole tank on a daily basis. Flying at
a significant portion of the speed of light whilst delivering cutting edge solutions to CMDRs from around the world is one of the simpler pleasures in both my personal and professional life.
What are your thoughts about the Elite Dangerous Community?
The E:D community is filled with passionate people that care about the game and their place in the galaxy. I have never seen a community so vested in their own personal vision for a game, which I'm sure can be both exciting and frustrating for a dev team so involved with the community.
I would not change anything about the community, as their participation on both forums and in-game provides me with critical levels of SPGs on a daily basis. Our senior efficiency experts--CMDRs Deathgrips, Allerose, and Nonya--ensure me that maximum SPGs are being generated both in game and across media platforms, 24/7/365 when adjusted for relativity.
What events or notable activities have the Smiling Dogs been involved in?
SDC has been involved in almost every major CG and several other events. Among the most notable, SDC played a major role in the blockade of Hutton, wherein we were contracted to enforce a blockade in order to protect our stakeholder's interests in the scrap market. In accordance with the goals of the embargo, CMDRs were respectfully escorted from Hutton Orbital for their own safety. Similar contracts were completed in such markets as Cayutorme and Kaushpoos, with similar success.
One of our latest ops took place in the in Merope, wherein our C-level team staffed by CMDRs Doctor Trauma, Verax, N1njadeer, and Harry Potter engaged in a humanitarian operation with the goal of cordoning off an exclusion zone around the barnacle. Many CMDRs were saved from contamination because of our brave operatives' actions surrounding Merope 5c, and the community has expressed nothing short of gratitude for our efforts.
What's next for the Smiling Dogs?
Moving forward, SDC will proactively leverage enterprise level solutions on a macro scale while simultaneously increasing our brand recognition and spinning up even more client outreach initiatives in order to generate client specific emergent content and maximum SPGs. Informed with the latest data via our social media expert, CMDR Nyxi, we hope to further increase both our internal smile metrics and CMDR satisfaction rates.
Anything you'd like to tell the community about?
SDC would like to urge the community to participate in as many CGs as possible. Right now, CGs are the life-blood and quintessential experience in E:D. CMDRs, serve yourself and the community: enlist in a CG today!