Welcome to the community site

Hello Commanders, and welcome to the beta phase of the Elite Dangerous community site.

This is the community site’s maiden voyage. What you see now is just a snapshot of what the site will become. We want to build this site with the community in mind, taking into account your wants and needs. For that reason we've opened the site in beta so you can help us create the perfect community hub.

As the site grows you’ll find guest blogs, regularly updated Comms Chatter, videos and Commander creations, developer blogs, features about aspects of game development, interviews with the developers, exclusive video content, events coverage, ambassador talks, livestreams and much more. 

We’re building a dedicated Community Goals section with a list of all active Community Goals and a summary of all completed goals, and the clever coding folk are working on ‘Join My Wing’ functionality which will help you team up with likeminded Commanders from around the world. There’s much more in the pipeline, and we’ll keep you up to date with our plans and let you know when new ideas are being implemented.

This site is designed to serve the Elite Dangerous community, and we think it should be populated with content created by the community. If you have suggestions for videos, images, news stories, blog posts or even entirely new features for the community site, then we’d love to read about them. 

Send your ideas to community@frontier.co.uk. If you feel like your site, livestream or ambassador page is missing from the content that’s already there, then get in touch and we’ll add it to the list.

We’ll need your help to make the Community site the welcoming, informative, interesting and entertaining place it should be. This is a celebration of the Elite Dangerous community and we’re looking forward to building the site with you.
