Powerplay Beta 3

Powerplay Beta 3 contains the following changes:

- Crash fix for drones having destroyed parent ships

- Fix some ship loadouts causing crashes

- Don't fire beams if a ship is not ready to prevent a crash

- Fix crash caused by improper wakes

- Fix render crash in Powerplay map

- Prevent crash and corrupt save with equipping multiple refineries

- Avoid a crash when saving without a ship state

- Fix low level crash in outfitting 

- Increased the Courier's ability to dissipate heat so that it runs a bit cooler and thus can scoop around more stars safely than before

- Use the major faction (in addition to the existing test on the minor faction) when determining if a player is friendly enough with a faction to take a mission

- Audio: Stop ship voice events coming through when the player is in the outfitting screen

- When Options are Cleared and Game Restarts in Fullscreen Mode the Mouse is locked in the Centre of the Screen fixed

- System popup disappears too quickly when hovering on system in galaxy map fixed - small delay added to close event

- Added string substitutions for the abandon and alternate factions in salvage missions

- Minor fixes to mining mission template

- Changed hand-in contracts to Cargo Required so they check you have the cargo

- Reduce spawn rate of elite/founder missions

- Make delivery missions remove correct amount of cargo

- Reward pass on Elite/Founder Missions

- Massacre Conflict target #'s now scale

- State effects added to Piracy Missions

- Make mission times all use the same value

- Remove random elements from scaling stage of some mission reward generators

- Shooting a ship that is aligned to the same Power OR Major Faction as you results in a Power Rank penalty

- Fixed manoeuvrability stats for ships that needed them

- Fixed incorrect radiator stats for Empire Courier

- Add power play details - System Map

- Fix incorrect calculation of contested systems

- Powers on the galaxy map are only rendering on one lens when using the Oculus Rift

- Fix a bug where the incorrect item was being selected from the repairs list

- Fix "against" powerplay actions not updating cached progress values

- Make sure that repair costs are calculated correctly

- Player allied with opposing Power didn't get bounty when firing on a player allied with system's power

- Don't give every mission spawner a better than desired chance of spawning

- Audio: Suppress cargo scoop deployed and retracted ship voice events during drone programming and firing

- Audio: fixed power play bubble audio events not being posted

- Add "Added to bounty" at the end of the "fine gained" message if the player already has a bounty (or dormant bounty)

- "Fixed Weapon" icon for the Advanced Plasma Accelerator is not aligned correctly fixed

- Audio: Fixed some issues with Landing Area animations

- Galaxy Map does not remember selected filter fixed

- Diamondback not resting on landing pad but hovering above it fixed

- Adjusted hitcheck on courier so it can scoop cargo

- On returning to the Preparation menu for Power player after using the View on Map function you are NOT returned to the system you were previously viewing fixed

- Rebalanced damage values to make the Cytoscrambler more useful

- Doubled the combat bond amounts for standard combat zones. Now 4000cr instead of 2000cr

- Fixed an issue where all scroll panes in the Power Details UI would seemingly ignore the first 3-4 DPAD up/down button inputs

- Edited Courier's gear animation to fit design when deployed

- Increased the heat values to something appropriate given the decreased fire rate of the Pulse Disrupter

- Fix a stack of missing mission text

- Fix a stack of GUI text issues


Server-side changelog:


- Decreased rate of reputation decay